在上面的代码中,我们使用了ioredis库创建了一个 Redis 客户端,并设置了一个重连策略。当客户端遇到write EConnaborted错误时,它会触发error事件,并根据错误信息判断是否需要重新连接。 结论 write EConnaborted错误是 Redis 客户端中常见的错误之一,通常是由于服务器崩溃、网络故障或连接超时导致的。为了解决这个错误,...
client.on('error',function(err){if(err.code==='EPIPE'){client.quit();// 关闭 Redis 客户端连接console.log('Redis Client Error: write EPIPE');setTimeout(function(){client.connect();// 重新连接 Redis 客户端},5000);// 5秒后重新连接}else{console.log('Redis Error: '+err);}}); 1....
勾选cluster 连接报错Redis Client On Error: r: Failed to refresh slots cache.Activity qishibo commented on May 29, 2020 qishibo on May 29, 2020 Owner 任选一个node节点填入即可 Thewolfinsociety commented on Jun 24, 2020 Thewolfinsociety on Jun 24, 2020 不好意思请问,任选一个node节点填入...
When I try to run BGREWRITEAOF I get the following message: /: write failed, filesystem is full Please let me know if I need to put any more information here. Thanks for your help. redis node-redis redis-cluster Share Improve this question Follow edited Mar 5, 2021 at 0...
We have a .NET Console application written in C# which is using StackExchange.Redis client library to make connections to a locally (on same server) hosted Redis. Below are the versions that I am using Redis C# client : https://github.co...
ERR client ip is not in whitelist NOWRITE You can't write against a non-write redis ERR syntax error ERR no such db node ERR 'xxx' command keys must in same slot ERR for redis cluster, eval/evalsha number of keys can't be negative or zero ...
对redis-server分析,发现占用CPU最高的是readQueryFromClient,即主要是在处理来自用户端的请求。 2)短连接测试 使用10000个短连接向redis-server发送50w次ping命令: ./redis-benchmark -h host -p port -t ping -c 10000 -n 500000 -k 0 最终QPS: ...
func(c*baseClient)pipelineProcessCmds(cn*pool.Conn,cmds[]Cmder)(bool,error){err:=cn.WithWriter(c.opt.WriteTimeout,func(wr*proto.Writer)error{returnwriteCmd(wr,cmds...)})iferr!=nil{setCmdsErr(cmds,err)returntrue,err}// 看到将读取操作用WithReader装饰了一下err=cn.WithReader(c.opt.Read...
当socket 的发送缓冲区有足够空间,并且网络状态允许数据发送时,socket 变为写就绪状态时,这时候就会aeEventLoop->fileEvents中取出就绪的reply事件,执行sendReplyToClient()函数,这个函数会遍历c->reply列表,按照顺序一个一个通过调用write()方法写回给客户端,值的注意的是,Redis 限制了单次事件循环中可以写入的最大...
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