上一篇有介绍手动安装redis cluster传送门,很明显,手动创建redis cluster的过程比较繁杂,容易出错,因此redis官方开发了一个工具,可以快速搭建redis cluster。在5.0之前该工具是由ruby语言编写的redis-trib.rb,在使用前需要安装ruby语言环境。在5.0之后redis摒弃了该工具,将搭建集群的功能合并到了redis-cli上,进一步简化了...
redis-cli --cluster call192.168.163.132:6381config set cluster-node-timeout12000>>> Calling config set cluster-node-timeout12000192.168.163.132:6381: OK192.168.163.132:6383: OK192.168.163.132:6379: OK192.168.163.132:6384: OK192.168.163.132:6382: OK192.168.163.132:6380: OK ... ... 到此,相关集...
cluster-replicas 1:意思是每个Master带着1个Slave 集群创建成功 [root@master bin]# ./redis-cli -a xiaochen0. --cluster create master2:6379 master3:6379 slave:6379 slave:6379 slave2:6379 slave3:6379 --cluster-replicas 1 Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' o...
redis-cli --cluster del-node 530cf27337c1141ed12268f55ba06c15ca8494fc del-node后面跟着slave节点的 ip:port 和node ID (2)清空master的slot redis-cli --cluster reshard --cluster-from 46f0b68b3f605b3369d3843a89a2b4a164ed21e8 --cluster-to 2846540d8284538096f111...
问题描述:执行redis-cli命令创建redis集群时报错“Could not connect to Redis at IP:端口: No route to host”,如下所示: 数据库:redis 6.2.6 系统:rhel 7.9 1、异常重现 [root@leo-redis626-a src]# /usr/local/src/redis-6.2.6/src/redis-cli --cluster create --cluster-replicas 1 \ ...
自己试了试建redis cluster 我在一台云服务器开了多个节点当集群. redis cluster 有两种配置文件 一种是redis配置文件暂时用redis.conf表示, 一种是集群配置文件暂时用nodes.conf表示, redisson连接是报这个错误 , lettuce可以用 o.r.cluster.ClusterConnectionManager : Can't connect to master: redis://10.0....
使用cluster meet加入进去后,看到 [OK] All 16384 slots covered 则表示集群创建成功 然后去set get测试 这个时候如果不是集群模式连接会报错redis集群报错: (error) MOVED 需要用集群模式去连接 ./redis-cli-a xxxx-c 其他问题: could not connect to redis at xxxx cannot assign requestd address ...
$ redis-cli --cluster help Cluster Manager Commands: create host1:port1 ... hostN:portN --cluster-replicas <arg> 可以看到,命令的组成形式和旧方式是一致的。 创建集群 $ redis-cli --cluster create
When connecting to a Redis Cluster instance using redis-cli, ensure that -c is added to the command. Otherwise, the connection will fail. To connect to Redis on a client over a private network, you can set {dcs_instance_address} to Connection Address or IP Address in the Connection sectio...
This section describes how to access a DCS Redis instance on redis-cli. For more information about how to use other Redis clients, visit the Redis official website.The fo