2.消息队列:使用 Redis 实现 消息队列,将数据写入 Redis,可以异步处理消息,从而提高应用程序的性能和可靠性。3.Cache层:使用 Redis 作为 Cache 层,存储静态数据,可以提高应用程序的速度。4. Leader 选举:使用 Redis 实现 leader 选举,实现分布式系统的 leader 选举机制。Redis 的 Advantages Redis 有许多的优...
如果都注释掉,则不做内存数据持久化。如果只是把redis只用作cache,不开启持久化功能 save <seconds> <changes> save 900 1 #是否使用压缩 rdbcompression #快照数据库名称 dbfilename #数据库存放路径 dir #redis主从 做法 在从上填上主的IP和端口号 主上不用做任何设置 slaveof <masterip> <masterport> #主...
0~15共16个库publicstaticT Get<T>(CacheFolderEnum folder,stringkey,intdb = -1)whereT :class{stringfd =GetDescription(folder);varstrValue = Manager.GetDatabase(db).StringGet(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fd) ? key : fd +":"+key);returnstring.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue) ?null: JsonConvert.DeserializeObjec...
Redis是一款依据BSD开源协议发行的高性能Key-Value存储系统(cache and store)。它通常被称为数据结构服务器,因为值(value)可以是 字符串(String), 哈希(Map), 列表(list), 集合(sets) , 有序集合(sorted sets)和位图(bitmaps)等类型。官方网站是http://redis.io/ Redis和其它NO SQL的比较本文不做过多阐述。
# that will use more memory, like SET, LPUSH, and so on, and will continue# to reply to most read-only commands like GET. # # WARNING: maxmemory can be a good idea mainly if you want to use Redis as a # 'state' server or cache, not as a real DB. When Redis is used as a...
5. After the update, run the followingapt-cachecommand to display the installation candidate versions of the Redis package available from the configured repositories. sudoapt-cachepolicy redis Listing the installation candidate versions of the Redis package ...
You can install Redis cache on Windows 10 using Windows Subsystem for Linux(a.k.a WSL2). WSL2 is a compatibility layer for running Linux binary executables natively on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019. WSL2 lets developers run a GNU/Linux environment(that includes command-line tools, ...
1.安装命令:redis-server.exe --service-install redis.windows.conf --loglevel verbose 可以看到redis变成了一个服务 2.启动服务命令:redis-server.exe --service-start 3.关闭服务命令:redis-server.exe --service-stop 安装成功后可以修改根目录下的redis.windows.conf文件,这里我修改了logfile的配置,其他的配置...
# # maxclients 10000 # If Redis is to be used as an in-memory-only cache without any kind of # persistence, then the fork() mechanism used by the background AOF/RDB # persistence is unnecessary. As an optimization, all persistence can be # turned off in the Windows version of Redis....
Redis Desktop Manager(简称RDM)是一个跨平台Redis桌面管理软件,支持Windows、Liunx和macOS。该工具为用户提供了易于使用的Redis可视化操作,同时支持SSL/TLS加密,以及SSH隧道技术和云Redis实例,例如Amazon ElastiCache,Microsoft Azure Redis Cache和Redis Labs。