command getkeys COMMAND GETKEYS是一个辅助命令,让你可以从完整的Redis命令中找到key。例:COMMAND GETKEYS MSET a b c d e f command info command-name [command-name ...] 返回内容与command一致,只是提供了命令筛选,如:command infogetset//其他monitor 实时监控服务器 replicaof host port make the server...
1 BGREWRITEAOF 异步执行一个 AOF(AppendOnly File) 文件重写操作 2 BGSAVE 在后台异步保存当前数据库的数据到磁盘 3 CLIENT KILL [ip:port] [ID client-id] 关闭客户端连接 4 CLIENT LIST 获取连接到服务器的客户端连接列表 5 CLIENT GETNAME 获取连接的名称 6 CLIENT PAUSE timeout 在指定时间内终止运行来自...
redis-cli FLUSHALL [ASYNC | SYNC]: It is the command to delete all keys in all databases. This syntax or the command is available since v 1.0.0. Time complexity of this command is O(n), n being the total number of keys in all the databases. This command will never fail and delete...
[ -x"$(command -v docker)"];thenecho'Microi:您未安装docker,推荐使用1Panel、宝塔等面板工具来安装docker并管理您的服务器!'echo'Microi:是否立即安装Docker?(y/n)'read-r answerif["$answer"!="y"];thenecho'Microi:安装取消...
Redis 具有一个命令行工具,用于与 Azure Cache for Redis 客户端交互。 下载用于Windows 的 Redis 命令行工具 后,即可在 Windows 平台上使用此工具。 如需在其他平台上运行该命令行工具,请从 下载Azure Redis 缓存。Redis 支持一组已知的命令。 命令通常以 COMMAND parameter1 ...
Cache Command : SET Message Cache Response : OK Cache Command : GET Message Cache Response : Hello! The cache is working from Java! Cache Command : CLIENT LIST Cache Response : id=777430 addr= :58989 fd=22 name= age=1 idle=0 flags=N db=0 sub=0 psub=0 multi=-1 qbuf=0 qbuf-free...
selected database. We delete all the keys in the presently selected database, database 10 version. And almost the database version is the main part of the redis cache that selected the keys on every column value. To select which database to run the flushdb command on, use the -n ...
activeExpireCycle()handles eviction of keys with a time to live set via theEXPIREcommand. performEvictions()is called when a new write command should be performed but Redis is out of memory according to themaxmemorydirective. The global variableredisCommandTabledefines all the Redis commands, speci...
执行以下命令就可以扫描 redis 实例中 bigkey 的分布情况,以 key 类型维度输出结果: $ redis-cli -h -p 6379 --bigkeys -i 0.01 [00.00%] Biggest string found so far ... [98.23%] Biggest string found so far --- summary --- Sampled 829675 keys in the keyspace! Total key ...