line 752, in read_response ││ raise response ││ redis.exceptions.ResponseError: Error running script (call to f_4716e0f4a993856809343ed6798054c556dccdbf): @user_script:54: user_script:54: Attempt to modify a readonly table ││ 10:57:42 [ERROR] record.process_...
ERR user_function:7: Attempt to modify a readonly table script: test_round2, on @user_function:7. 这是一个变量作用域错误,我们要将第7行的num = unpack(args)改为 local num = unpack(args),重新注册函数,再次运行。 这一次,我们得到的结果是2,但期望结果是2.06 我们以调试模式来看一下问题出在...
if (ttistable(t)) { /* `t' is a table? */ Table *h = hvalue(t); if (h->readonly) luaG_runerror(L, "Attempt to modify a readonly table"); TValue *oldval = luaH_set(L, h, key); /* do a primitive set */ if (!ttisnil(oldval) || /* result is no nil? */ (...
When you use a transaction or script to run a command on a Tair cluster instance, the requested keys must be in the same slot. Solution: Modify the transaction or script. You can use the CLUSTER KEYSLOT command to query the slot in which a requested key is stored. Important Tair ...
XREADGROUP - - - CLIENT KILL - - XREVRANGE - - - CLIENT LIST - - XTRIM - - - CLIENT GETNAME - - XAUTOCLAIM - - - CLIENT SETNAME - - XGROUP CREATECONSUMER - - - HELLO - - - - - - RESET - - - Table 3 Commands supported by Proxy Cluster DCS Redis 6.0 instances (1) ...
Only specific parameters can be configured to ensure the stability of instances. The parameters that are not described in this topic cannot be configured. For more information about instance architectures, see Standard master-replica instances, Cluster master-replica instances, and Read/write splitting...
The following table describes DCS's support for read/write splitting.For a Redis Cluster instance, you can query all master and replica nodes by running the CLUSTER NODES
readOnlyFromClient过程: processInputBuffer--->processCommand--->call 唤起后lookupCommand会去redisCommandTable中找命令 Redis的启动方式: 直接启动./redis-server& 指定配置文件启动./redis-server/etc/redis/6379.conf 使用redis启动服务配置开机自启动
cluster默认是不支持slave节点读或者写的,跟我们手动基于哨兵搭建的主从架构不一样的,需要手动带上readonly这个指令,这个时候才能在slave node进行读取。默认的话就是读和写都到master上去执行的,redis cluster模式下就不建议做物理的读写分离了,建议通过master的水平扩容,来横向扩展读写吞吐量,还有支撑更多的海量数据。
Redis Redis(Remote Dictionary Server ),即远程字典服务,是一个开源的使用ANSI C语言编写、支持网络、可基于内存亦可持久化的日志型、Key-Value数据库,并提供多种语言的API。 redis是当前最热门的NoSQL技术之一。 Redis 是一个开源(BSD