Use Redis as cache. Do not over-rely on Redis transactions. Suggested After a transaction is executed, it cannot be rolled back. If data is abnormal, clear the cache for data restoration. Required Redis does not have a mechanism or protocol to ensure strong data consistency. Therefore, servic...
options.InstanceName= configuration["RedisDistributedCache:InstanceName"]; }); appsettings.json配置文件如下: "RedisDistributedCache": {"IPAddress":"","Port":"6379","Password":"demo12!@","InstanceName":"DistributedCache.Redis"} 2、根据业务需要封装IDistributedCache service,当然这里完全可以使...
在Program.cs 的 builder.Build() 之前注册 IDistributedCache 服务 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 string redisConnection = builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("RedisConnection"); //注册分布式Redis builder.Services.AddStackExchangeRedisCache(options => { options.Configuration = redisConnection; options.InstanceName...
net6使⽤redis实现IDistributedCache 在net6的官⽅⽂档中,如果需要使⽤redis作为分布式缓存,会建议使⽤ ()来实现,根据官⽅⽂档内容进⾏操作后,发⽣了如下异常 public void Test(){ Cache.SetString(Key, "123");} StackExchange.Redis.RedisServerException: ERR Error running script (call ...
实现方案采用 Redis 作为缓存的数据托管方案,接口使用微软官方的 IDistributedCache 接口实现。 首选安装Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.StackExchangeRedis组件包 然后注入 分布式缓存服务 //注册缓存服务 Redis模式builder.Services.AddStackExchangeRedisCache(options=>{options.Configuration=builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString...
ASP.NET Core 使用 Redis 实现分布式缓存:Docker、IDistributedCache、StackExchangeRedis 前提:一台Linux服务器、已安装Docker。 一,Docker 中运行 Redis 拉取Redis镜像 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker pull redis 查询镜像列表 代码语言:javascript 复制 docker imgaes ...
简介:ASP.NET Core 使用Redis实现分布式缓存:Docker、 IDistributedCache、StackExchan geRedis 前提:一台 Linux 服务器、已安装 Docker。 一,Docker 中运行 Redis 拉取Redis 镜像 docker pull redis 查询镜像列表 docker imgaes 运行Redis的几种方法 ①运行并且设置 Redis 端口 ...
private readonly IDistributedCache _cache; public ValuesController(IDistributedCache cache) { _cache = cache; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 设置缓存和使用缓存: await _cache.GetAsync("{键名}"); _cache.SetAsync("键名", {值}, {设置});
You can also configure the connection using inline delegates on the AddRedisDistributedCache() method. This code configures the same properties as the previous JSON example:C# Copy builder.AddRedisDistributedCache( "redis", configureOptions: options => options.ConnectTimeout = ...
ve seen tremendous adoption of Azure Cache for Redis, our managed solution built on Open Source Redis, as Azure customers have used Redis as a distributed cache, session store, and message broker. We’re excited to incorporate Redis Enterprise technology and make this solution even ...