那么可以在.htaccess中添加下面一行指令: RedirectMatch 301 /blog/SyndicationService.asmx.*$ http://www.frankdu.com/blog/feed 现在访问原来地址的链接,都能找到新的、改变后的地址了。 更多内容,请参见Apache的mod_alias模块的中文文档。
启动它并将结果复制/粘贴到您的.htaccess文件中,就在RewriteEngine on-删除脚本之后
RedirectMatch regex url Server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccessAgain, RedirectMatch works like Redirect, except that it takes a regular expression as the first argument.In the Butterthlies business, sad to relate, the salespeople have been abusing their powers and perquisites, and it has...
RedirectMatch ^/(?!.well-known)(.*)$ https://new-domain.tld But then, mail autoconfig does not work anymore, so I'd suggest to do something like this: RedirectMatch ^/(?!.well-known|mail/config-v1.1.xml|cgi-bin/autoconfig.cgi|AutoDiscover)(.*)$ https://new-domain.tld or may be...
RedirectMatch正则表达式如何写3 我用apache RedirectMatch 301做url转向。正则表达式不会写,大家帮忙。 需求如下: 访问前者,转向到后者; www.abc.com/view.jsp?aaNo=123456&bbNo=8888&cc=NO --> www.abc.com/aa/123456 www.abc.com/view.jsp?bbNo=8888&cc=NO --> www.abc.com/bb/8888 ...
RedirectMatch函数支持正则 RedirectMatch 301 reed\/(.*)\.html$ https://sunweiwei.com/$1/ RedirectMatch 301 reed\/tag\/(.*)$ https://sunweiwei.com/tag/$1/ 附注:如果需要A301→B:有几种写法 RewriteRule ^A$ B [L,R=301] RedirectMatch 301 ^A$ B ...
Cool trick that you may not have known about.. it's possible to get case-insensitive matching with the powerful RedirectMatch directive. Normally, you...