"redirecting output to 'wget-log'" 这句话的含义是,在执行 wget 命令时,其标准输出(stdout)和标准错误(stderr)被重定向到了一个名为 wget-log 的文件中。这是 wget 在后台运行时的默认行为,用于记录下载过程中的所有输出信息,包括下载进度、错误信息等。 以下是对这个问题的详细解答: 确定输出重定向的目标...
GNU Wget 1.20.3 built on linux-gnu. Looks like this issue has returned Unexpected "Redirecting output to 'wget-log'."https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?51181$ timeout 10s wget --tries=1 --timeout=5 -O pr.txthttp://www.google.de>> pr.log 2>&1 oddly my file pr.log contains Redirec...
Expected behavior is that every output (standard output and standard error output) of this task will be redirected to /dev/null. Unfortunately this doesn't work. Emails with errors are still sent.7-57/10 * * * * wget -O - https://some.url.com/path/file.php?key=somerandomkey&folder=...