在DB::transaction()中返回redirect->back()是指在数据库事务中执行完一系列操作后,将页面重定向到上一个页面。 DB::transaction()是Laravel框架中用于管理数据库事务的方法。事务是一组数据库操作,要么全部成功执行,要么全部回滚。在Laravel中,可以使用DB::transaction()方法来确保一组数据库操作在一个事务中执行...
我试图在DB::transaction方法中执行一些语句,但是当某个条件失败时应该出现问题return redirect()->back()但问题是代码既没有重定向回来也没有进一步执行。可能的原因是什么? return DB::transaction(function () use ($request){ $sellerItem = new SellerItem(); $sellerItem->item_id = $request->item_id;...
Open source alternative to AWS. Elastic compute, block storage (non replicated), firewall and load balancer, managed Postgres, and IAM services in public beta. - Add fallback for redirect_back if no referer is present · ubicloud/ubicloud@48d8c5c
return redirect()->back()->with('user', $user); // redirect with updated user You don't really need to do that, assuming that your edit page is already loading your user. This should be sufficient: return redirect()->back(); Also, I generally discourage doing this: <my-form :user...
59 @designerstrust/remix-utils This package contains simple utility functions to use with [Remix.run](https://remix.run). remix remix.run react utils request response csrf redirect-back outlet client-only hydrated body parser jsedlon •5.2.0•2 years ago•0dependents•MITpublished version...
此时调用 res.redirect('back') 就会回退到 xxx 页面。 但是当我们进入到 yyy 页面后,再刷新页面,此时的 referer 会变成 https://b.com/yyy,表现的结果就是,会停留在本页不动。 而你的情况更特殊,100% 是停留在本页,根本不会跳转到上一页。 以为你在 yyy 页面中使用超链接发起一个请求,后退,此时的 ...
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->with('errors', $this->validation->listErrors());}else{ $writeToDatabase="dosomething";if($writeTodatabase==false) { return redirect()->back()->withInput()->with('error', lang('Form2.fail')); /...
Laravel redirect back : Redirect::back(); is used to redirect back the users from the current url to the back url. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can redirect from current url to back url with errors in laravel. Laravel redirect back You can redirect back to the...