redirect-gateway def1 是OpenVPN 配置文件中的一个指令,用于修改客户端的默认网关,使得所有非本地(即非 VPN 局域网内)的网络流量都通过 VPN 服务器进行路由。这个选项特别有用,当你希望所有的互联网流量都通过 VPN 服务器进行转发,以隐藏你的真实 IP 地址或绕过某些网络限制时。
可能在大部分人中不太明白openvpn中push “redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp”的参数的意思,这里就简单的说一下,具体的配置可以看×××,我在里面有说的很明白了,openvpn中服务器推送redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp的目的是在所有客户端的默认网关都将重定向到×...
push "route"push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp" 下面这条命令我们之前介绍过(openVPN服务器配置的31个关键点),如果配置此命令,将配置所有客户端的默认网关到VPN中,会导致所有IP流量(如Web浏览和DNS查找等流量)经openVPN服务器网关转发。这一条命令的嫌疑最大。 接下来,我们验证...
Keeppush "redirect-gateway def1"in the server confing. If you remove it, your internet traffic will not be routed through the VPN and your iphone will use his connection instead. Are you sure is properly working? Restart the server withsudo systemctl restart openvpn, try to ...
I've been able to connect OK between my OpenVPN client running on Windows 8 to my OpenVPN server 2.3.2 on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS. However, I'm unable to configure the setting "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp" in server.conf to allow me to push internet and gateway ...
I am using the OpenVPN GUI/Client v11.31.0.0 / 2.5.8 on Windows 10 What does this error mean and how can I stop it but still use redirect-gateway? Thanks V 1 条回复 0 V viragomann 大约15小时之前 @shoulders If you remove the check mark at "redirect gateway" are there any entri... Mailing list: to : Unsubscribe : help :