To add redirect URIs with wildcards to app registrations that sign in work or school accounts, use the application manifest editor inApp registrationsin the Azure portal. Though it's possible to set a redirect URI with a wildcard by using the manifest editor, westronglyrecommend you adhere to...
Simply add this redirect Uri to your app registration in the Public Client section of the Azure portal: ms-appx-web://Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin/<your-client-id> That's it! 🎉 This will ensure that your extension continues to work seamlessly with the new authentication flow. If you ...
to be different for each iOS app. This allows the Microsoft identity service to uniquely identify different apps that share an application ID. Each application can have multiple redirect URIs registered in the Azure portal. Each app in your suite will have a different redirect URI. For example:...
This error occurs if the redirect URI (reply URL) configured in the application (code) and the Azure AD app registration don’t match. When a user accesses the application for authentication, the application redirects the user to Azure AD with a predefined redirect URI. Onc...
To fix the issue, follow these steps to add a redirect URI in Microsoft Entra app registration. Copy the application ID from the error message. This is the ID of your application that has been registered in Microsoft Entra ID. Go to theAzure portal. Make sure you sign in to the po...
@jmprieur yes, the redirect URIs in the app registration are set to https. I actually mis-informed you yesterday when I said my app was hosted on azure (it was late in the day and I was tired and confused about which particular one this was...). This particular app is an internal...
Lastly, I updated my App Registration in Entra ID, setting "Front-channel logout URL" to match that of theSignedOutCallbackPathproperty: Users are now correctly redirected to the public home page of the site once they've successfully signed out. ...
This redirect URI needs to be registered in the app registration. See for details on which redirect URIs are defined by default by MSAL.NET and how to register them. Also use: WithDefaultRedirectUri() which provides a good default for pu...
How to verify token from redirect URI I have an endpoint which is using the authorize endpoint to acquire an id_token
{client_id:"@ViewBag.ClientId",response_type:"id_token token",response_mode:"fragment",scope:" openid profile offline_access",redirect_uri:window.location.origin+"/auth/msteamsSilentEnd",nonce:_guid(),state:state,login_hint:context.loginHint,};let...