* URL跳转 * @param string $url 跳转地址 * @param int $time 跳转延时(单位:秒) * @param string $msg 提示语*/function redirect($url, $time=0, $msg ='') { $url= str_replace(array("\n","\r"),'', $url);//多行URL地址支持if(empty($msg)) { $msg="系统将在 {$time}秒 之后...
* @param string $url 跳转地址 * @param int $time 跳转延时(单位:秒) * @param string $msg 提示语*/function redirect($url, $time=0, $msg ='') { $url= str_replace(array("\n","\r"),'', $url);//多行URL地址支持if(empty($msg)) { $msg="系统将在 {$time}秒 之后自动跳转到 ...
$urlParams = explode('/', $requestString); $controllerName = strtolower(ucfirst(array_shift($urlParams))); $actionName = strtolower(array_shift($urlParams));if(empty($actionName)) { Redirect::url();exit; }if(file_exists('./Controller/'. $controllerName .'.php')) {require_once'./C...
Here is how to redirect specificURLrequests to aPHPscript for further processing, etc. Very useful for monitoringHTTPactivity, logging errors, and more. An example.. Let’s say that I want to receive an email every time something requests anything “evil” from the server. Using.htaccess, it...
function jumpToUrl(URL) { document.location = URL; } function deleteRecord(table, id, url, warning) { if ( confirm(eval(warning)) ) { window.location.href = "'.$this->getBackPath() .'tce_db.php?cmd["+table+"]["+id+"][delete]=1&redirect="+escape(url); ...
Where 'http://www.redirect.to.url.com/' is the URL you wish the users to be redirected too. This can also be a file, like so: <?php header("Location: anotherDirectory/anotherFile.php"); ?> Files can be of any type including but not limited to HTML, python, php, cgi, perl, ...
redirect 重定向的通用语法为:redirect(url,params=array(),delay=0,msg='') 用法: protected function redirect($url,$params=array(),$delay=0,$msg='') { $url = U($url,$params); redirect($url,$delay,$msg); } 源码:参见框架内置的functions.php文件 ...
Where 'http://www.redirect.to.url.com/' is the URL you wish the users to be redirected too. This can also be a file, like so: <?php header("Location: anotherDirectory/anotherFile.php"); ?> Files can be of any type including but not limited to HTML, python, php, cgi, perl, ...
meta标签是HTML中负责提供文档元信息的标签,在PHP程序中使用该标签,也可以实现页面的跳转。弱定义http_equiv为fresh,则打开面的时候将根据content规定的值在一定时间内跳转到相应页面。 3、javascipt实现跳转 window.location.href=http://www.baidu.com;
header(‘Location: ‘ . $url, TRUE, 302); php redirect using session data session data can be used to redirect based on valid user credentials. However care needs to be taken that search bots and other bots may not looks at the session data and may end up fetching your pages. ...