app = wx.App(redirect =wx.LogTextCtrl ) wx.InitAllImage Handlers() gui = MyGui(None, -1, "") app.SetTopWindo w(gui) gui.Show() app.MainLoop() However, the output instead of going to my textctrl, goes to a new window named "xwPython: stdout/stderr". What am I missing? Ta...
If writing to stdout is essential for any other parts of your application, this modification can break them. Additionally, it may mislead someone who reads your module into thinking that it performs a different function if they miss a small top-line instruction. While a regex replacement is tec...
Keeping with the Unix theme of "everything is a file,"programs such as ls actually send their results to a special file called standard output(often expressed as stdout) and their status messages to another file called standard error(stderr).By default,both standard output and standard error ...
Analog is a log file analyzer 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 • ansitape Ansitape reads writes and creates magtapes conforming to the ANSI standard for magtape labelling. Primarily this is useful to exchange tapes with VAX/VMS which makes this kind of tape by default 2 - - - - ...
>foo.log 到脚本的顶部。) tee(1)的POSIX.1-2008规范要求输出是无缓冲的,即不是行缓冲的,所以在这种情况下,STDOUT和STDERR可能会在foo.log的同一行上结束; 然而这也可能发生在terminal上,所以日志文件将是对terminal上可以看到的东西的忠实反映,如果不是精确的镜像。 如果希望STDOUT行与STDERR行干净地分离,...