<Route path="*" element={<Navigate to="/login" />} /> </Routes> </Router> 这样就可以完美替代之前Redirect的重定向操作 @RyanWu我用的useRoutes() path: 'user-manage', element: <Navigate to={'/user-manage/user'} />, children: [ { path: 'user', element: <UserManage />, meta: {...
redirect Because you can return or throw responses in loaders and actions, you can useredirectto redirect to another route. import{redirect}from"react-router-dom";constloader=async()=>{constuser=awaitgetUser();if(!user) {returnredirect("/login");}};...
确认'redirect'是否存在于'react-router-dom'包中: 在react-router-dom的较新版本中(例如v6及以上),Redirect组件的导入方式有所变化,且不再直接从react-router-dom中导出名为redirect的默认或命名导出。相反,你应该使用useNavigate钩子结合replace方法来实现重定向功能,或者如果你使用的是react-router-dom v5或更早版...
useNavigate是一个钩子,它只能在React Hooks和React Components中使用。例如,您可以使用useNavigate在Homep...
useNavigate是一个钩子,它只能在React Hooks和React Components中使用。例如,您可以使用useNavigate在...
本文内容引用了 react-router v3 的文档介绍来举例说明,内容并不重复,我们会以项目开发的角度来分析这两个功能的实际作用,更有助于理解和使用这两个功能。 Index Routes 通常情况下,我们会建立如下情况的路由: 代码语言:javascript 复制 <Router><Route path="/"component={App}><Route path="accounts"component=...
Version "history": "^5.0.0", "react": "^17.0.1", "react-dom": "^17.0.1", "react-router-dom": "^5.2.0", "react-scripts": "4.0.0", Test Case https://codesandbox.io/s/react-router-redirect-issue-ugs02 Steps to reproduce Simulate navigation ...
React Router provides the <Route> element for us to easily declare routes for rendering when a particular path matches in the URL. But let’s say your path doesn’t match, how are you going to handle it? Just let it error? No!
import{ReactNode}from'react'import{Navigate}from'react-router-dom'/** * Only allows navigation to a route if a condition is met. * Otherwise, it redirects to a different specified route. */exportdefaultfunctionConditionalRoute({ condition, ...
The problem goes away in v5 only because we can use a custom webview solution like react-native-inappbrowser-reborn and as far as I can tell, the no https restriction was added in v6 👍 1 github-actions bot removed the pending-response label Jan 24, 2024 Contributor cwomack commente...