其中最后一步,重定向地址可以直接写 https: 自己的地址 (举例: 使用https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1},会报错“ 规则向后引用 ‘1’ 无效 ”...
OPTION 2: Specify the Redirect Rule as https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1} and check the Append query string box. The Action type is also to be set as Redirect. Click on Apply on the right side of the Actions menu. The IIS redirect can be checked by accessing your site via http:// specif...
First it is a https request, so it doesn't match rule HTTP TO HTTPS, second is your site didnot bind to host name That means the request didnot send to IIS. So you need to add a binding with host name There's an error in the rule www fixer...
How to Redirect to HTTPS in Windows IIS How to Do an HTTP Redirect in Apache Check Your HTTPS Implementation What Are HTTP and HTTPS? HTTP and HTTPS are types of transfer protocol. HTTP (or Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the traditional protocol we use to access the web from a browser—...
URL Rewrite has a GUI to allow you to enter rules within IIS 7; in the background all this does is edit the web.config file of the site. I will show you how to create a rule both ways. In the following example we will redirect HTTP to HTTPs using URL Rewrite. You will nee...
The nodes host the application on http using ports to separate each application in IIS but the load balancer accepts https traffic then forwards that on to the nodes over http. So in this model the nodes seem to be checking themselves and determining that they are being hosted over http and...
<rule name="http to https" stopProcessing="true"> <match url="" /> <action type="Redirect" url="" /> </rule> </rules> </rewrite> </system.webServer> </configuration> Output: Regards ...
Microsoft URL Rewrite Module 2.0 for IIS 7 (x86)The below Rule help to do that:<rule name="Canonical Host Name" enabled="true" stopProcessing="true"><match url="(.*)" /><conditions><add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="^OFF$" />
1. put the https URL in the default zone 2. remove http URL from all the public zone URLs 2. in AAM, click to Add an internal URL and enter the http URL there and select default zone. 4. In IIS make an entry for both the http and HTTPS urls in the same web...
I don't know how work IIS and Apache in this context, but the only way i know to redirect from http to https without being forced to serve http somewhere, is using a dns level redirect (masking, forwarding, page-rule, etc.). Hope it helps. Quote andyhill uniGUI Subscriber 1.4k ...