Laravel是一个流行的PHP开发框架,提供了许多便捷的功能和工具,其中包括路由控制、视图渲染、数据库交互等。在Laravel中,back()和redirect()是常用的重定向方法,用于在处理用户请求后将用户重定向到之前的页面或其他指定的页面。 back()方法是Laravel的辅助函数之一,用于将用户重定向到之前的页面。它会返回HTTP Refe...
在DB::transaction()中返回redirect->back()是指在数据库事务中执行完一系列操作后,将页面重定向到上一个页面。 DB::transaction()是Laravel框架中用于管理数据库事务的方法。事务是一组数据库操作,要么全部成功执行,要么全部回滚。在Laravel中,可以使用DB::transaction()方法来确保一组数据库操作在一个事务中执行...
Laravel has a concept of Session Flash data for only one request – after the next is loaded, that Session element/value is deleted, and can’t be retrieved again. This is exactly what is happening in with() method – its purpose is to add an error message or some input data only for...
Laravel redirect back : Redirect::back(); is used to redirect back the users from the current url to the back url. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can redirect from current url to back url with errors in laravel. Laravel redirect back You can redirect back to the...
Laravel5 中新增了一个函数 redirect() 来代替 Laravel4 中 Redirect::to() 来进行重定向操作。函数 redirect() 可以将用户重定向到不同的页面或动作,同时可以选择是否带数据进行重定向。 重定向响应是Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse类的实例,其中包含了必须的头信息将用户重定向到另一个URL。辅助函数redirect返回...
原文转自:,有空的时候再翻译一下~ This post will try to outline how to use the Redirect::intended and Redirect::guest methods. There seems to be a lot of confusion on the internet, along with a lot of custom solution in order to ...
Laravel 的 HTTP 重定向 Redirect Creating Redirects# Redirect responses are instances of theIlluminate\Http\RedirectResponseclass, and contain the proper headers needed to redirect the user to another URL. There are several ways to generate aRedirectResponseinstance. The simplest method is to use the...
TL;DR : on redirect()->back() the vue components are not mounted, they are just updated My setup : Laravel + Inertia (vue) using Jetstream A page view called Dashboard that has a MyForm component In MyForm's mounted() hook, I initialize some boolean variable to decide what to show...
back(int $status = 302, array $headers = [], mixed $fallback) No description static RedirectResponse refresh(int $status = 302, array $headers = []) No description static RedirectResponse guest(string $path, int $status = 302, array $headers = [], bool $secure = null) No ...
return back()->with('error', 'Something went wrong!');But we can also use Laravel Validation functionality and populate the same Validation message manually:return back()->withErrors(['email' => 'Email is invalid!'])->withInput();