可赎回优先股是将“redeemable preference share"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:The Annual Report for 2010 indicated that ENIC had acquired 76% of all Ordinary Shares and also held 97% of all convertible redeemable preference shares, equivalent to a holding of 85% of share capital. ↔ 2010年6月30日...
5.redeemableshare偿还股份 6.RedeemableBonds可要求公司债券;可提前偿还债券;可通知偿还的债券 7.redeemablepreference share可赎回优先股;可回赎优先股;可赎优先股股份 8.redeemablecharge可赎回的押记 9.redeemablesecurities可赎回证券 10.redeemableloan capital可赎回假贷本钱 ...
•Manufacturers' coupons areredeemablein any store that accepts them.•Preference shares, particularlyredeemablepreference shares, are sometimes considered to be more akin to loan stock than share capital.•In addition, or alternatively, they may beredeemable, thus promising cash from the company ...
Google Share on Facebook Redeemable Dictionary Thesaurus Legal Idioms Encyclopedia Eligible for redemption under thetermsof anindenture. Copyright © 2012,Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved. Redemption 1. Inbonds, the act of anissuerrepurchasing a bond at or beforematurity. Redemption is made...
preference shares. This provision ensures that redemptions are only made out of distributable profits, the proceeds of a fresh issue of shares or the capital of the company. The investor to note that the redemption of the RCPS shall not be taken as reducing the...
• Preference shares, particularly redeemable preference shares, are sometimes considered to be more akin to loan stock than share capital.• In addition, or alternatively, they may be redeemable, thus promising cash from the company at a future date....
1) redeemable preference stock 可偿还优先股2) confidential debt 应优先偿还债务3) redeemable preference share 可赎优先股股份4) preferred stock sinking fund 优先股偿债基金5) privilege [英]['prɪvəlɪdʒ] [美]['prɪvḷɪdʒ] 优先求偿权,优先购股权6) convertible preferred ...
holders oftheredeemablenon-voting preference shares shall be entitled to receive a return of the capital paid up ontheredeemablenon-voting preference shares held by them respectively. equitynet.com.hk equitynet.com.hk 於清盤時,可贖回無投票權優先股持有人有權按彼等各自持有之可贖回無投票權優先 股比...
“Convertible Preference Shares” shall mean convertiblenon-votingpreferencesharesofpar value HK$0.001 each in the share capital [...] wuling.com.hk wuling.com.hk [...] 條「股份」現 有定義後,加插「可換股優先股」的新定義如下:「可換股優先股」指本公司 股本中每股面值 0.001 港元的可兌換無投票...
网络可赎回借贷资本;可赎回的押记 网络释义