LESSERAFIM的LOGO获世界三大设计奖之一"Red Dot Design Award"本赏 LE SSERAFIM的组合LOGO在2022红点设计大奖的品牌&交流设计部门中获得了"品牌设计&个性"本赏。 红点设计大奖是1955年创立的德国国际设计大奖,与德国的"iF"、美国的"IDEA"一起被称为世界三大设计奖。每年在产品设计、设计概念、品牌&交流共设三个领...
4. Lite-Biz 由Samsonite Design & Development Team 设计的 Lite-Biz 是一个航空旅行机舱袋,它的设计深受建筑和汽车行业的影响。这个机舱袋极其耐用,而且它大而平稳的双轮也很容易操纵。机舱袋还配有一个创新的单点 TSA 认可的锁定系统,只需轻轻一碰就可以打开或关上前袋和主袋部分。七、花园产品 ...
1、红点奖的发展历史 红点设计大奖(Red Dot Design Award)有着悠久的历史,它是由德国著名设计协会Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen 于1955年创立,它下辖产品设计(Product design),品牌与传达设计(Brands & Communication Design)以及设计概念(Design concept)三个门类的竞赛,随着时间推移,红点奖吸引着越来越多的国家...
“Red Dot Design Award 2024” logo *1 INSTAX is a trademark or registered trademark of FUJIFILM Corporation. Contact FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation Corporate Communications Division, Public Relations Group +81-3-6271-2000 * Please note that the contents including the product availabilit...
red dot : junior prize:年轻人在red dot award: communication design (传达设计大奖)中也不会空手...
CUBE ME changed its logo typography and design as part of expanding product offerings and rebranding. The brand expresses its value that ‘Wellness Life is Beauty’ in the connections of elegant and flowing curves as well as emphasis, pursuing a differentiated brand communication from other health ...
The Red Dot Award is one of the most prestigious design awards worldwide and honours quality, creative achievement, and vision. Winning the “Red Dot: Best of the Best” award places Bombardier among the top inspiring brands of our time. The recognition for the logo redesign underscores the ...
Red dot award: the product design award was awarded to PUMA at the March 2, 2010 celebration in Essen, Germany. All recipients of the award can use the red dot logo on packaging and marketing materials. The winning product will first be located in Essen, Germany, the world historical and...
红点奖是1955年由德国著名设计协会Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen设立,为全球工业设计界权威的设计奖项,以评选标准苛刻而著称,入选产品须有区别于其他同类产品的创新特点,代表着该领域全球最高工业设计水平。
2015 Red Dot Award 德国红点设计奖 获奖作品合集 来源:设计癖一、婴儿产品1. Stokke Steps 由挪威设计师 Andreas Murray 和 Tore VinjeBrustad设计的这款高椅适合一到六岁的孩子。它能满足婴儿成长过程中的需求,并且坐垫能从椅子上分开,允许家长和婴儿进行互动。它是由优质的木头和皮革精心雕琢而成,保证了其...