I wouldn’t quit if I won the lottery, but I would go part time.我在戒毒所工作,这份帮助别人戒除毒瘾的工作对我来说意义很大。 我想我不会辞职,不过我会从全职转成兼职。 level 2The_Dude_1969·2 days agoHmmm… sounds like you might be addicted to your job. Have you ever considered talking...
To raise your character. The very first laughable thing is that beating monsters of lv60 gives you 14-15 Character exp. I mean why even have it in the first place. This is just shitty on the face of people. You need to fight monsters for months then maybe you can raise one Level of...
DunderMifflin 322 Met THE Michael G Scott today. Steve Carell is incredibly kind and just as hilarious in person. It took everything in my power not to say “Date Mike, it’s nice to meet you”. 51351 LifeProTips 319 LPT: Try not to be mean or toxic in online games today and tommo...
I wouldn’t quit if I won the lottery, but I would go part time.我在戒毒所工作,这份帮助别人戒除毒瘾的工作对我来说意义很大。 我想我不会辞职,不过我会从全职转成兼职。level 2The_Dude_1969·2 days agoHmmm… sounds like you might be addicted to your job. Have you ever considered talking ...
Richard Fisher, the former president of the Dallas Federal Reserve, told CNN Business: I think we’ve had a bubble for some time. This is just icing on the cake. When things get out of control like this, it is a sign that you should be very worried.” Read more here....
Richard Fisher, the former president of the Dallas Federal Reserve, told CNN Business: I think we’ve had a bubble for some time. This is just icing on the cake. When things get out of control like this, it is a sign that you should be very worried.” Read ...
While with Big Brothers Big Sisters, Fetterman "was paired with a little boy who was 8 at the time whose father had just died of AIDS and his mother would die of AIDS about three or four weeks later. I had never, ever seen that kind of disparity, and I became...