Does the writer put the pieces together for them then repeat the answer for the reader three times in three different ways? Before I was published I used to share short stories on the now vanished Yahoo Groups. During that time I developed through observation and experience, what I called Th...
大馬警方查獲大批毒品槍枝彈藥案 10台灣人被捕 ・ 1 comment ・ by gentletao ・ 粉红经典造谣围美救中,给缅甸园区洗地 18 comments ・ by OpenAd6843 ・ 中国正在各地通过单位、社区网格管理等手段调查海外华侨、华人、留学生及国内亲属关系。 3 comments ・ by Complete-Pirate...
newlinechar newlinechar - newlinechar newlinechar [Article talking about wombs for men and trans women. Experts say '10 years']( newlinechar newlinechar [External artificial wombs have already been created.](...
if you use gmail, you can still communicate with people who use other email services like yahoo or protonmail. The reason there are multiple sites is because anyone can create their own Lemmy instance - so no single person or company controls the 'fediverse'. Just choose a popular and ...
if you use gmail, you can still communicate with people who use other email services like yahoo or protonmail. The reason there are multiple sites is because anyone can create their own Lemmy instance - so no single person or company controls the 'fediverse'. Just choose a popular and ...
if you use gmail, you can still communicate with people who use other email services like yahoo or protonmail. The reason there are multiple sites is because anyone can create their own Lemmy instance - so no single person or company controls the 'fediverse'. Just choose a popular and ...
if you use gmail, you can still communicate with people who use other email services like yahoo or protonmail. The reason there are multiple sites is because anyone can create their own Lemmy instance - so no single person or company controls the 'fediverse'. Just choose a popular and ...
if you use gmail, you can still communicate with people who use other email services like yahoo or protonmail. The reason there are multiple sites is because anyone can create their own Lemmy instance - so no single person or company controls the 'fediverse'. Just choose a popular and ...
if you use gmail, you can still communicate with people who use other email services like yahoo or protonmail. The reason there are multiple sites is because anyone can create their own Lemmy instance - so no single person or company controls the 'fediverse'. Just choose a popular and ...
if you use gmail, you can still communicate with people who use other email services like yahoo or protonmail. The reason there are multiple sites is because anyone can create their own Lemmy instance - so no single person or company controls the 'fediverse'. Just choose a popular and ...