But I wish it was. 32031 aviation 12 F-35B crash and 0-0 ejection at Fort Worth today 30786 insaneparents 12 My Mother-in-Law gave us all COVID. Tested positive and never told us. 43867 unpopularopinion 12 It should be illegal for companies to advertise that a phone has a certain ...
2. Which course can you take if you are free only in June A. Sports Economics. B. Creative Storytelling. C. Psychology of Creativity. D. Case Studies in Neuroscience. 3. Whose course should you choose if you are interested in creative writing ...
RussiaLago 6 There have been 241 posts in /r/The_Donald linking directly to the twitter account @TEN_GOP, which we know from yesterday's indictment was a fake account controlled by Russian operatives. 29059 DnDGreentext 6 Indeed... 15376 Shitty_Car_Mods 6 I’ve been waiting for a video...
Eventually I make it down my street and a few streets over. Switching between easier and near impossible spots of walking along the way. I get to a[n] automotive business and their building blocked a lot of the snow, which let me walk like normal for once in a long while. I keep tr...
I then (stupidly) said that if she really wanted us to buy a house, she should save more and cut back on expenses like nice shoes, clothes, and purses. At this point, she became properly angry and declared that she couldn't stay in the same house as me, and said that she would ...
According to Reddit user Luisquin, to melt ice, put windshield wiper fluid in a spray bottle and apply it directly to your icy car windows. "There's no risk of cracking the glass like using hot water," the user wrote in the Lifehacks subreddit, which received over two thousand upvotes...
Advertising on Reddit is probably among one of the safest ways to market your products on Reddit. With Reddit ads, you can target people based on the subreddits they’ve subscribed to, which lets you get in front of some very specific, super-passionate niches. ...
(This episode introduces the Vulcan mind meld.) She also had roles onOuter Limits(in the Eando Binder’s “I Robot“ story which predates Asimov’s story of that name),Batman(twice as Cleo Patrick),I-Spy,The Wild Wild West,Mission: ImpossibleandKung Fu(ok, the last one has to be ...
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“We are a magazine publishing company, and like all magazine publishers, we have a strong social media presence where we put out news and we have two brands under us – Car India and Bike India,” said Mallya. “We noticed something strange on our Bike India handle, which is the bigger...