degree in english, and she resides in san francisco. ... read more staff writer read more the best posture correctors to straighten you up you’re hunched over your desk and phone for hours. we rounded up gadgets, a diy trick, and even some yoga advice to help you straighten up. ...
Sorry if some of this makes no sense, I'm typing this on [my] phone and my fat thumbs are doing me no favours. It also doesn't help I'm a bit tipsy but I'm glad I could vent and get advice from you beautiful f***ers of Reddit. Tl;dr - she was cheating. 63 votes Satisfy...
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I want advice on how to talk with him about this. Update: I was really upset the day I dropped him off and he was texting me but I wasn’t responding. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, but I didn’t want to do anything at all in the state I was in. I waited until the...
Atlanta 1 Advice for the roads 18851 smoobypost 1 smoobygenius 5878 cordcutters 1 Netflix, please stop with the autoplay of trailers when we're trying to browse the titles. 29520 Dallas 1 My car died in Monday Dallas traffic, so I made a gif to apologize to everyone and thank the ...
For more minimalist packing advice and hacks from Reddit, follow the subreddit,r/onebag. You’ll be hooked too. Related: Carry-on and Personal Item Size Limits for 32 Airlines Packing Tip #1: Dry Bags Can Do It All REI “Always carry a dry bag ~20L to do laundry on the road, as...
Great little twitter thread fromFarscapestar Claudia Black about her encounter with a young James McAvoy. Bit of a long read (best to see the quote about her in the linked article first, to give context), but it’s just heartwarming. (“James McAvoy, Son Of Dune, Has Advice For His ...
I'm not saying stick with that speed forever. But start with it, and then slowly move your way up to your desired speed. Plus, this was Guthrie's advice too when it comes to doing scales. Also keep an eye out for Tiny Metal if you have a Switch. Hey Russ, newlinechar newline...
Edit 3: Thanks for all the responses with advice. We won't be dyeing it again and will try the purple/blue shampoo instead hoping to tone it down. Also, wife just got off the phone with a salon who can get her in this Friday, so she'll have to suck it up for the rest of...
Best advice my Dad has ever given to me: (1) If you can't afford the monthly payments to pay off your car in 3 years, you can't afford that car. (2) After the car is paid off, continue paying your car payment into a savings account. ...