虽然,Reddit上的用户大多都将该网站当做是一个论坛,但Reddit更多的是一个交流平台,用户可以在该平台上发表帖子,然后其他用户可以对该帖子upvote(类似点赞)或downvote(类似点踩)。最火的帖子就会被顶到首页最前排。 Reddit是一个按话题和兴趣划分成成千上百种单独类别的社区。例如,r / politics社区专注讨论全球政治...
就像你从代码里看到的,一篇文章的的’得分‘定义如下: up_votes – down_votes 这就是说,我们可以把它表现为下图: 这种计算方式会对既有很的赞成票,又有很多反对票的文章(比如很有争议的文章)带来重大影响,它们可能会比那些只有很少赞成票的文章获得更低的分数。这也就说明了为什么小猫小狗之类的帖子(以及其它无...
然后点击sign up,可以选择用Google或者Apple ID注册(选择后会自动进行跳转确认账号),也可以输入邮箱进...
Create and submit content: If you have something interesting to share, create a post or submit a link to a relevant article or video. Upvote and downvote content: Help others find the best content by upvoting posts you like and downvoting posts you don’t. Use Reddit search: If you’re...
NBA Superstars Unleashed: The MVP Race Heats Up in 2023 Explore the intense competition among the NBA's finest as Giannis, Luka, Jokic, and more battle for the 2023 MVP title in a gripping showdown. 1 year ago 10 Greatest And Expensive NBA Players Of 2022 ...
你可以对帖子和评论进行Up/Downvote的操作,优质的就UP,不行的就点Down,当然也可以回帖跟评,还可以加入该帖子所在的社区,以及探索更多相关的话题。 从首页到帖子详情页,Reddit都一直再给用户推荐社区,不管是你附近的社区还是你感兴趣的帖子所归属的社区,可以说整个Reddit就是围绕社区在运行。
毕竟,Redditors通过兴趣和位置进行自我组织,像r/Pittsburgh这样的群组成为新闻和本地讨论的中心。通过这些群组,你第一眼就可以判断这是否可以直接进入目标客户的市场营销。 Ueeshop指出,想要在Reddit上推广大家要知道Reddit的这三个基本的术语概念,Upvote、Downvote、Karma。
Instead of likes and hearts, Reddit’s social network runs on upvotes or downvotes. Voting on posts and comments increase or decrease the creator’s karma, and helps popular and relevant posts rise to the top, while filtering out low-quality or irrelevant posts. ...
If you're a registered Reddit user, your homepage is tailored to your interests and communities. Like on Weibo, users can upvote or downvote, post comments, and answer others' queries.Reddit users have the freedom to engage however they wish, whether just browsing for news or actively ...
Connect with people about any topic, join interactive community groups or threads, and chat with other redditors, all anonymously. Voting and Karma: Instead of likes and hearts, Reddit’s social network runs on upvotes or downvotes. Voting on posts and comments increase or decrease the creator...