dd。不过unpopular opinion就是说跟主流不一样的看法,还是直播楼和直播后讨论楼更能代表观点 ttsand 但weekly unpopular有趣很多……虽然说是非主流但其实针对的是非粉圈主流 赞 回复 ⠀ 2023-04-11 07:51:22 江苏 英语区每次都一本正经的分析莫名戳我笑点啊啊啊啊但是说的都挺有道理的挺客观的 赞 回...
unpopularopinion 12 It should be illegal for companies to advertise that a phone has a certain amount of space only for half of it to be occupied by the OS 27244 SquaredCircle 12 Vince McMahon: At 77, time for me to retire. Thank you, WWE Universe. Then. Now. Forever. Together. 14257...
29 i unpopularopinion 613,224 30 i freefolk 1,090,977 31 i oddlysatisfying 3,111,128 32 i OldSchoolCool 13,853,173 33 i Whatcouldgowrong 2,224,608 34 i Damnthatsinteresting 1,674,182 35 i explainlikeimfive 16,802,762 36 i assholedesign 1,027,057 37 i wholesomememes...
unpopularopinion 1 Can I just say, we don't live in a world where everyone gets offended all the time. We live in a world where the very small minority are given a voice by the media because reporting that "no one got offended" isn't news. The best thing we could possibly do is ...
0.71 kpoprants 0.71 skiing 0.71 showerthoughts 0.71 metalcore 0.71 liminalspace 0.71 watches 0.70 religiousfruitcake 0.70 unpopularopinion 0.70 latinas 0.70 criticalrole 0.70 ssbbw 0.70 hunting 0.70 irs 0.70 upliftingnews 0.70 celebnsfw 0.69 shittysuperpowers 0.69 portland 0.69 ...
2.53 unpopularkpopopinions 2.52 unpopularopinion 2.51 leagueofmemes 2.51 me_irl 2.50 theleftcantmeme 2.50 anime_irl 2.49 steam_giveaway 2.48 toastme 2.47 femaledatingstrategy 2.44 sandersforpresident 2.41 relationship_advice 2.41 adhd 2.41 makemesuffer 2.41 hazbinhotel 2.40 eyebleac...
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2.66 unpopularopinion 2.65 holup 2.63 damnthatsinteresting 2.58 niceguys 2.56 fo4 2.56 popping 2.55 tankporn 2.55 heroesofthestorm 2.53 facepalm 2.53 overlord 2.51 punk 2.50 shitamericanssay 2.49 conspiracy 2.47 prolife 2.46 calgary 2.46 halifax 2.44 starcraft 2.42 instagramre...
1.10 unpopularopinion 1.08 cscareerquestions 1.08 cumsluts 1.07 eu4 1.07 thenetherlands 1.07 yourmomshousepodcast 1.06 confessions 1.06 brisbane 1.06 vent 1.06 fightporn 1.05 exchristian 1.05 ich_iel 1.05 christianity 1.05 debatereligion 1.04 wandavision 1.04 squaredcircle 1.04 co...