CasualUK 213 This is what happens when you block the tram in Sheffield 52114 WitchesVsPatriarchy 213 My heart hurts... 67499 WorkReform 213 My boss posted a sign saying we can’t talk wages at work. My coworker posted her own retort. 66683 UpliftingNews 206 Billionaire No More: Patagonia...
## 12. [Democracy vs. Dipshits]( - 45070 ### [r/clevercomebacks]( - [u/uDoucheChill]( - 1207 Comments...
PG and Kawhi on defense which is about as good as you can possibly get in terms of wing ...
Born February 9, 1935—R. L. Fanthorpe,87. He was a pulp writer for UK publisher Badger Books during the 1950s and 1960s during which he wrote under somesixtypen names. I think he wrote several hundred genre novels during that time but no two sources agree on just how many he wrote...
接受SA案件的的律师名叫,Kathleen Zellner。是全美成功脱罪记录最好的冤案律师。在SA之前已成功帮助17人脱罪。KZ已前往waupon监狱会面了SA,review了38箱涉案文宗,KZ发推坚信SA被诬无罪。KZ重点质疑,如果焚尸地点是SA家的burn pit, 热度将烧灼到SA的车库,which is not the case. KZ坚信焚尸地点在别处。KZ认为,...
Come to the UK and do dragons den?they have never asked me. THe bigger issue is that if i bought a company, i wouldnt have the time to really help them . Just like basketball, pursueing a motorcycle road racing career, what would be your best advice. Lots of blood sweat and tears ...
Hello from the UK Many thanks for this post. Those elite who seek to dominate this world will set one group against another to maintain their wealth and power. And Covid 19 is not a hoax of course, but it is only the ‘flu, dressed up as a monster to scare people, re-b...
Ashooh alsoworkedfor the right-wing think tank the CATO Institute and is a Term Member of the more Democratic-aligned Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR’s term member program is intended to, in its own words, “cultivate the next generation of foreign policy leaders.” ...
tech 1 Apple gives right-wing social media network Parler a 24-hour ultimatum 18519 MechanicAdvice 1 [Update] Hey thieves, you may have stolen all my tools, but look what Reddit and Craftsman did for me! Aside from only a few items in that picture, all that is new :) Thank you guys...
This is a dataset of the all-time top 1,000 posts, from the top 2,500 subreddits by subscribers, pulled from reddit between August 15–20, 2013. - reddit-top-2.5-million/data/learnart.csv at master · umbrae/reddit-top-2.5-million