Aired as the twentieth episode of the first season, the story is that while returning from a fishing trip, Will and B-9 find a deactivated Robotoid. Against the wishes of B-9, Will proceeds to repair and restore the Robotoid which apparently becomes a humble servant of the Robinson family...
It may have been funny the first few episodes, but by Episode 977, it gets pretty fucking old." ABC Courtesy Everett Collection —PotatoGaming447 Publicidade 16. "I tried so hard with Community. … I really did. The only ones who kept me going were Troy and Abed." NBC / ...
"It was a show where Andy Griffith played the owner of a salvage yard who, in the first episode, managed to purchase a surplus of rocket engines from NASA. He used them to build his own rocket ship. Why? Because there was valuable salvage in space. He successfully launched the rocket ...