TL:DR(Too Long; Didn't Read):长篇大论提示。 TlL(Today l Learned):指今天新学到的东西,强调或分享一些新的知识。 2. 寻找社区 搜索框内输入“ r/内容关键词 ”,比如搜索“r/cat”就会出现和 cat 相关的内容和社区。加入社区后,首页就会按照社区内容热度进行推送。 有趣的社区推荐: r/AMA(ask me an...
TIL: "Today I learned" (a new fact or interesting info) AMA: "Ask me anything" (a Q&A session, often with a founder, industry leader, or someone with a background a community will find interesting) There are also more specific acronyms for different subreddits; most subreddits have a...
换句话说就是,拒绝普通用户的访问。 r/Music,r/gaming,r/science和r/todayilearnd等子社区也都拥有超过3000万订阅者。一些像r/Music这样的子社区,干脆计划无限期抗议。 粗略统计至少有26亿用户受到了影响。 在本周,Reddit已经陷入了全面崩溃。 这是因为,与大多数其他社交媒体平台不同,Reddit严重依赖于「mods」,...
TIL(today I learned):Something the user didn’t know before, but now knows (probably) because of the internet. There’s an entire subreddit for these lessons inr/todayilearned. AMA (ask me anything):An invitation for Redditors to ask any questions they may have with the promise that the...
Fast forward to today: we rank first for the term ‘No Purchase Necessary’. In the last 12 weeks, 84% of the post’s traffic is due to organic traffic. Compare that to 55% in the first 12 weeks. When I originally set out to write this article, one of the goals was to write ...
Like most online communities, Reddit has its own language. Redditors tend to talk in abbreviations such as OP, TIL, IAmA, and AMA. OP just refers to the “original poster” in a thread, while TIL means “today I learned” and is one of the most common abbreviations you’ll see. Many...
Porn is an unhealthy addiction that is bad for your health, and likely a leading cause for the massive amount of single men and women in today’s world. When the advanced sex bots become a thing, men will just go for those. Women will be the depressed ones, because they crave ...
A case study of a library instruction teaching experiment using the "Today I Learned" forum on the website, this article addresses teaching and assessment methods intended to promote self-monitoring in both the library instructor and student. After experimenting in the context of one-...
On today's podcast episode, we discuss why Pinterest is growing so fast, how Snapchat is able to get more and more folks to pay for its premium service, and why people are spending increasing amounts of time on Reddit. Tune in to the discussion with our director of Briefings Jeremy Gold...
TIL- acronym for “today I learned.” There is an entire SubReddit dedicated to people posting things they learned today. A sample title would be “TIL there is a type of dog specifically bred to look like a Dire Wolf.” TL; DR– this is short for “Too long; didn’t read.” You...