采用了隐藏式贯穿灯带,中间嵌入"Tesla"字样,极具辨识度;内饰配备了类似于新款Model 3打孔风...
昨天(20日)下午,在列治文八佰伴中心 (Yaohan Centre) 的东面停车场发生了一件令人震惊的事件。位于3号路3700号靠近统一广场的一个停车位上,一辆停泊中的深灰色Tesla电动车突然起火,场面十分惊险! 据社交平台Reddit上的一名用户发布的图片和视频显示,当时火势非常猛烈,烈焰直冲云霄!好在火没有蔓延到其他车辆。 目击者...
In a video interview,Aswath Damodaran, a renowned figure in the investing world, has disclosed his purchase ofTesla Inc(NASDAQ:TSLA) stock at approximately $180. This revelation has sparked discussion among investors, with Redditors at r/ValueInvesting sharing their thoughts on whether Tesla is a...
## 56. [Figured out what the Tesla Cybertruck reminds me of](http://reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1gbz76m/figured_out_what_the_tesla_cybertruck_reminds_me/) - 19345 ### [r/funny](http://reddit.com/r/funny) - [u/kinglucent](http://reddit.com/u/kinglucent) - 172 Comments - Top...
A review of the posts shows that the overwhelming majority of authors use the symbols (also called stock tickers) of the discussed securities instead of their names (e.g., TSLA instead of Tesla). Therefore, the titles of the submissions are searched for stock tickers. The self text field ...
“Do you believe that tweet was targeting you because you had shorted Tesla stock in the past?” Stivers asked Melvin Capital’s founder, Gabe Plotkin, during the hearing. Plotkin demurred, saying he didn’t want to speculate about Musk’s motives or the potential impact it had on ...