Steam 10 business 28312 explainlikeimfive 9 We call upon Reddit to take action against the rampant Coronavirus misinformation on their website. 23971 Bad_Cop_No_Donut 9 This has been taken down twice now. Crestwood Illinois police officer abusing his spouse and choking her. All posts about thi...
I could point to you threads on the Steam forum boards, on NeoGAF, ResetEra, RPG Codex, Reddit... Pretty much anywhere the game is discussed, someone brings this up. And when someone does, most people agrees that the current system sucks. Last edited by Tuco; 09/04/21 02:22 PM. ...
Evading bans Subscriber fraud Don’t violate anyone’s privacy—You will be banned from the platform if you post or threaten to post other people's intimate or sexually explicit photos/videos if they don’t agree to it. The same applies to posting others’ confidential information. Don’t po...