## 59. [Elon Musk kicked from Path of Exile 2 for 'cheating' weeks after becoming Diablo 4's top player](http://reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1hfp0gd/elon_musk_kicked_from_path_of_exile_2_for/) - 18509 ### [r/facepalm](http://reddit.com/r/facepalm) - [u/Smintjes](http:...
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community-driven unofficial browser extension for reddit NOTICE:Reddit Enhancement Suite has entered maintenance only mode, seeherefor details. v5.24.8 v5.24.8 Dev Discord Reddit Number of RES users across all supported browsers:1+ million.
all messages contain full player state and nothing else. I thought there was going to be more messages but everything boiled down to just that one "peer update" message. peers can't tell you about events like disconnect and connect has overlap with heartbeat so everything is kind of that ...
http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v464/n7288/full/nature08981.html can be hugely illuminating. And all sorts of experimental interventions in human and nonhuman animals alike needn't involve killing or harming them in any way. Thus life extension techniques can benefit a humble worm (the ...
I've left Slide's repositories open, and I've seen some offshoots of Slide being released on the App Store. This is really what open source is all about, and it makes me happy to see my ideas living on in one way or another, even without me at the wheel. ...
Thankfully, there's at leastone carpenter onlinewho helped everyone solve the mystery - see the video for the solution. 7,554 votes What do you think? Is this a fascinating mystery? Photo: Imgur Status:Solved? When Redditor /u/shadybusiness15 opened up an exploded extension cable, he foun...
level of upfront commitment isn't a good fit for many communities. To be clear, this isn't true for all subreddits, so your mileage may vary, but if you canpull the best part of a video into a GIFand thenlink to the full source in the comments, you'll likely see more ...
Image via The Daily Beast We are exploring a feature for people to give us feedback about comments on public page posts. This is running for a small set of people in the U.S. only. The feature in testing reportedly gives users the ability to downvote certain comments, similar to the ...
When you visit Reddit's homepage (while not signed in), you'll see a feed of trending posts from various subreddits ("subs"). You can click on a post's title to open it and read the comments, see the full-sized image, or visit the link. ...