PokemonGo全球情报局 2016-7-23 21:47来自iPhone 6 #PokemonGO#Reddit大神自制精灵CP计算器,打开链接选择精灵和进化前CP,即可获得进化后CP大致数据,准确度相当高。链接:O网页链接 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转 û 13 2 ñ10 ...
人生第一个非宝宝蛋闪..人生第一个非宝宝蛋闪 居然是我有过的reddit有人讨论这只的闪率貌似不是1/450 是化石翼龙的概率大概1/60的感觉??想想也觉得对我这么非两个号加起来这是第三个了都
Pokemon celebrated 20 years back in February and I bought a copy of Pokemon Blue for the Virtual Console from the Nintendo eShop. As I spent some time traveling early in the month, I actually got to spend some time focused on the game. (Nothing like a couple of five hour plane trips t...
My friends and I just go to different parks every weekend and do trails. It' just for leisure, but something that has become a part of me. Shocking realizations brought to court by noodle breaking realist u/damyboy99 If the defendant is found guilty and the executioner u/Baghead_...
Pokemon GO第五世代宝可梦的全部数据已经放出,据此整理了一下redditer们的总结。GO独有的“因为招式池而使某些宝可梦相对主系列来说突然崛起或陨落”的特色再次显现,真可谓是时势造英雄啊。 发布于 2019-09-15 03:27 赞同8 分享收藏
internet denizens are people who live in basements. socially isolated heaps. i am a university lecturer. one of my closest mod friends, /u/mockturne, holds a senior position at a major chain restaurant company. he’s also among the cleverest people i know. we argue about which foods are...
Chris Snyder