PixelArt 17 My latest little animated project. They grow up so fast... :') 40068 PoliticalCompassMemes 17 He was cheesed to make her acquaintance. 14472 Steam 16 Chinese player review bombing “This war of mine” just because the dev donate their revenue to Ukraine 29844 NoStupidQuestions ...
When a reader is reincarnated into a hardcore rated-R novel as Estella, the most precious child of the villainous Kartina family, she learns that the life of a cunning archer, deadly apothecary, and bomb maker isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. After all, this is a world of violent...
Hellfire, playmaker electroshock, fireworks, reaper and 21k Absolutely! I'll stop short of absolute horror/NSFL (but still pretty gross) so as not to be a downer. newlinechar newlinechar Important background information, when I was young I lived on a fairly straight, but steep hill. I...