Robert Reeve Posted July 20, 2023Reddit’s recent iOS app update introduced an unusual change. The iconic OrangeRed icon has been replaced by a pixel-art illustration of the Reddit mascot’s head. Previously, Reddit’s icon was smooth and unpixelated. Now, the social networking giant has refo...
我想你或许会说这次AMA其实并没有彻底失败:因为它成了Reddit历史上最糟糕的AMA之一,很多人现在都知道Picsart这个品牌了。 通常,付费广告不会受到太多的反对,只要不错误地使用梗图或做出夸张的声明。不过,无论如何:你在Reddit上的第一次营销尝试可能不会顺利。 在Reddit做营销之前,记得先安装Pixel,这样才能保证你的广...
PixelArt 17 My latest little animated project. They grow up so fast... :') 40068 PoliticalCompassMemes 17 He was cheesed to make her acquaintance. 14472 Steam 16 Chinese player review bombing “This war of mine” just because the dev donate their revenue to Ukraine 29844 NoStupidQuestions ...
Reddit officially launched the 2023 edition of its r/Place collaborative art project on Thursday morning, and it’s littered with messages protesting Reddit and Reddit’s CEO. You can see the current iteration of the canvas onthe r/Place subredditor by following the prompt at the top of the...
Reddit has changed its iOS app icon into a pixelated abomination, and is making users pay if they want anything close to the old one back. As spotted by 9to5Mac, Reddit's latest iOS app update has switched out its OrangeRed default icon for a pixel-art illustration of its alien mascot...
In March, Reddit launched its initial public offering, when it also revealed ad revenue of $476 million in the first six months of 2024, up from $340 million in the first six months of 2023. The U.S. Navy has been an advertiser on the site since 2018, according to VML....
PixelArt 1 How's the new look for nightlife? 17048 wallstreetbets2 1 WALLSTREETBETS IS GONE. THIS IS WAR! HOLD YOUR FUCKING POSITIONS. 17812 subredditoftheday 1 January 29th, 2021 - /r/wallstreetbets: TO THE MOON 🚀🚀🚀🚀 11898 beholdthemasterrace 1 Laura Ingraham. Upvote this...
The series that aired its first five seasons on Fox before being revived for three more at Comedy Central will return to production this month for a 2023 premiere. Following an extended deal-making period, original stars Billy West (Fry) and Katey Sagal (Leela) along with ensemble players who...
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