IT之家 10 月 19 日消息,谷歌在今年 10 月 4 日推出了 Pixel 8 / Pro 手机,目前有一些收到新 Pixel 8 Pro 手机的用户,发现他们的 AOD 功能中,存在变色问题。 根据Reddit 平台帖子显示,部分用户发现,他们的手机在开启 AOD 功能时,屏幕中部分元素会从白色逐渐变成黄色,而后变成红粉色。 ▲ 图源 Reddit ▲...
Pixel 8 Pro 将获得一个新的 8×8 传感器飞行时间(ToF)VL53L8 传感器,有助于提高自动对焦性能。 两款Pixel 8 手机还将保留 1100 万像素的三星 3J1 前置摄像头,而前段时间泄露的温度计传感器将是 Pixel 8 Pro 独有的,具体型号是 Melexis MLX90632 体温传感器。 在相机软件方面,Pixel 8 系列将获得一个新的...
PixelArt 17 My latest little animated project. They grow up so fast... :') 40068 PoliticalCompassMemes 17 He was cheesed to make her acquaintance. 14472 Steam 16 Chinese player review bombing “This war of mine” just because the dev donate their revenue to Ukraine 29844 NoStupidQuestions ...
Samsung has the most powerful Copilot+ laptop — here's how it performs against the MacBook Pro | The Samsung Galaxy Book 4 Edge has the most powerful Snapdragon X chip, but how does it hold up against the MacBook Pro? Here's how the benchmark results compare. Lenovo Yoga Slim 7X ...
I love my pixel xl. I'm upgrading to the 2 xl tomorrow. Hope I get one with a good screen. Cpu performance and battery life would be the international version. LTE would be carrier specific I believe. This is why I'm at such an impasse Yeah sounds good. There are plenty of ...
There are cases where you have bit-fields, or number ranges, addresses in super-computer business, pixel formats, fixed-point number formats and much more. NO ONE wants to deal with libraries hiding the bit-manipulation if there is a naitive data type available, as this stands for LES...
近日,一些Pixel6和6 Pro的官方手机套购买者,在Reddit和亚马逊抱怨手机套变得非常黄。一些用户贴出了他们手中手机套的一些照片,并表示:它们在两到三周的时间里就开始变黄了,这么贵的手机套也就算了,还变黄变得这么快。 谷歌Pixel 6 谷歌Pixel 6和6 Pro官方手机套变黄快,不是某一批次货物出品不良造成的结果,...
谷歌(Google)通知供应商,计划最早下季度开始在印度生产Pixel智能手机。未来几周先在印度南部筹备生产线,第二季度开始生产手机。 Reddit授权内容用于谷歌大模型训练 知情人士透露,美国社交媒体平台Reddit已经与谷歌达成协议,将其平台上的内容用于训练谷歌的AI模型。Reddit与谷歌之间的合同价值约为每年6000万美元。这笔交易表...