不少玩家在国外reddit论坛、X等平台发帖,暴雪官方为其赠送了一个月的PC Game Pass订阅服务。从暴雪官方发送的邮件来看,如果玩家此前从未购买过PC Game Pass服务,则可直接兑换一个月的PGP会员资格。目前暂时不清楚暴 - switch小玩家于20240718发布在抖音,已经收获了4.8
根据Reddit用户Chukkroot的计算,Xbox Game Pass目前一共有382款游戏,其中43个游戏只能在PC上玩,177个游戏只能在主机上玩。一些有意思的数据: ◆所有XGP游戏在MC (Metacritic)上的平均得分是77.9分 ◆44.5%的XG...
Customization and responsiveness are where the Reddit app falls short. There's not much you can do to make the app work how you'd like it to, and it's a bit slow on older Android devices. The official Reddit app is free and doesn't include in-app ads, though you will still see R...
I dunno. On the one hand, I am obviously an idealist when it comes to the purity of elegant game design. When the pieces fit together, when the various game systems synergize so perfectly… it’s orgasmic. Microtransactions have literally no place in any such gaming schema, any more than ...
I guess it's just a "what a time to be alive" moment to see a Chinese-developed mobile game collabing with a Canadian-developed tactical shooter. I can't help but think of Western/Eastern games and mobile/console/PC games as separate and distinct spheres and it's a bit surreal to ...
You have to state if you are on PC or Console because both games have difference, this being one of them, on PC trading is extremelly limited, on consoles you can even send them via mail afaik. Kizer has got to be up there as one of if not the most botched prospect of all time....
它会在Steam/Origin/U-Play/GOG等其他PC平台发售吗? 拜托,你知道这是不可能的!微软已经有一个自己的PC平台了,无限登陆其他平台的可能性就像魔兽世界会不会登陆Steam一样。 无限会加入XGP“Xbox Game Pass”吗? 光环系列是微软曾特别提过的那些“一旦发售就加入XGP的游戏”之一 ...
The Awakening update also introduced Canisters, a sort of loot box monetization system that offers in-game cosmetics and can only be accessed in the season pass or by purchasing Platinum, the game's premium currency. Basically all of the posts on the Dauntless subreddit after the update are ...
还是尽量调低画质、提升对比度 / 伽马值、以及使用蓝牙键鼠来操作。Reddit - Halo Infinitye - run on eBook Reader(via)想要在 Boox Nova Pro 上玩《上古卷轴 2 / 3》作的话,还需要更多的前期准备工作。不过得益于 Android 版 Xbox Game Pass,《光环:无限》的 Xbox One 串流体验还是有点意思的。
A:本周我们将进行内部测试!所以我们已经很接近了,但我们的目标是同时在PC和 Switch 上发布。这是我们第一次进行这样的跨平台发布,所以我们想提前准备好,在发行之前进行完善地测试。 Q:我非常喜欢这款游戏的画风,我认为它是Switch上最漂亮的游戏之一。画师是如何找到这款游戏的独特美感的?是否有任何特定的画师或作...