【中字】月姬Remake -A piece of blue glass moon- 序 15.3万播放 【寅子】2022年5月13日《自闭之夜》 37.8万播放 37首刻在DNA的古装剧神曲!第一首就破防 345.8万播放 为什么不应逃避生命中的痛苦——【人文学科视角下的”FATE/ZERO ①】 23.4万播放 没内味儿?我把十五年最火的10首土味神曲做成了一首中...
criticalrole 1 [No Spoilers] I'ts moments like this above all that make me proud to be a critter. I can't think of other content creators with as much love/care for their fellow man, and they're never afraid to speak up when something needs callling out. 8410 TrumpCriticizesTrump 1...
The final encounter is when Jinx fully shows off his power inSuper Mario RPG Remake. He has an impressive 1,000 hit points and even more damage, defense, and speed. His ultimate attack isBombs Away, which does quadruple damage to one target. This is enough to one-shot most of the par...
However, the idea that James Bond is just a codename that different agents share after one retires is a great theory just for the fact that it could lead to a crossover, which sees all the different James Bond actors sharing screen time. Given that MGM is struggling to piece together the...
“one of Bradbury’s bitter, almost hysterical diatribes”. It would later be made into a well-received François Truffaut film which has a strong rating of seventy-two percent among audience reviewers at Rotten Tomatoes. A remake which was made three years ago fares much worse garnering ...
" Ausercommented. A new installment came out this year, and many people can't help highlighting how absurd it is that the same thing happens: "Particularly in the remake,"billygnosis86said, emphasizing that it was "wrapped in barbed wire."...
it’s a public project that we must continuously make and remake. networked technologies are going to increasingly put pressure on our regulatory structures as conflicting social values crash into one another. in order to benefit from innovation, we must also suffer the destabilizing aspects of ne...