That is so beautiful.这段子美如画。Quality 质量上乘啊!Made me smile 让我面露微笑哈哈哈哈!There will be a western team in the finals... A WESTERN TEAM IN THE WORLDS FINAL!!将会有一支西方战队进入到总决赛了…一 支 西 方 战 队 进 入 总 决 赛!WRONG. THERES GONNA BE TWO WESTERN TEAM...
Making Sense of Google Analytics 4 Professional 41 Professional Digital Reddit Strategy 41 Give a shirt: Changing slacktivists into activists ASU Lodestar Center JULY 10, 2013 Now you can return to perusing Reddit with a smug smile plastered across your face. These conceptions are facetious, of ...
### [r/MadeMeSmile]( - [u/sorta_princesspeach]( - 1085 Comments - Top position achieved: 7 ## 45. [Found this on an old external hard drive - middle school me thought I had a real shot with Orlando Bloom...
## 33. [Perfect timing]( - 31645 ### [r/MadeMeSmile]( - [u/who_dat_gurl]( - 90 Comments - Top position achieved: 7 ## 34. [Maybe Maybe Ma...
76 i MadeMeSmile 1,222,591 77 i HistoryMemes 830,578 78 i starterpacks 959,739 79 i confession 1,421,613 80 i LivestreamFail 527,710 81 i GetMotivated 14,811,133 82 i OnePiece 283,857 83 i baseball 949,297 84 i NSFW_GIF 1,307,861 85 i madlads 1,008,069 86...
Made me smile 让我面露微笑哈哈哈哈! [–]Caregan 2685 points 11 hours ago There will be a western team in the finals... A WESTERN TEAM IN THE WORLDS FINAL!! 将会有一支西方战队进入到总决赛了…一支西方战队进入总决赛!!! [–]Blimbles 1184 points 11 hours ago ...
I could still hear the warnings my parents had given me about being a small-in-stature woman and dealing with a group of men I don't know echoing in my head. One of the three gave me a sad smile and they walked away. About 15 minutes later they were back with a waitress; she ...
All of the Doc's interaction here can be spun in a silly way that makes me smile all the way thought the plot! 嘉维尔:我刚才说什么来着?博士:欠我钱的事。嘉维尔:滚蛋。哈哈哈我爱这个互动。——是啊。博士的所有互动都留有一个沙雕选项,让我一想到情节就忍俊不禁! Okay so can I just say ...
People used to like me, they'd sit next to me on a park bench, they'd smile when they saw me, they were completely comfortable bringing their girlfriends and kids around me. Not anymore. Not since that awful murd*r. Now they cross the street to avoid me, and if they do look at...
该网站有针对不同兴趣的称为 subreddit 的社区,任何用户都可以创建 subreddit。 青少年经常可以找到社区来讨论他们最喜欢的视频游戏或爱好。 他们还可以找到更通用的社区,例如 r/mademesmile,用户在其中分享内容以传播快乐。 甚至还有一个专门针对 13-19 岁的人称为 r/teenagers 的 subreddit 来讨论与他们相关的事...