My parents have babied him because from a young age he wasn’t as smart as other kids, and had a low self esteem because of that, and was quick to give up on things when they seemed too hard. He does ok on his own now. He works and pays his bills most of the time. He ...
“I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, really,” wrote Natural_Red, whose husband sometimes contributes to her posts, in an email. “I had an OK view of myself, but wasn’t quite sure how others viewed me. It was more or less an experiment in self-esteem.” These are the girls ...
Ya’ll really have nothing better to do with your lifes, than stroking each other’s fragile nano-egos to achieve some sort of self esteem boost. Get the fuck off the internet, go out, enjoy the sunny weather, take a deep breath and reconsider your life choices. It’s not too late, ...
the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything
It is one thing to get killed by a boss, a monster, or some other vicious creature, but losing because of a flying bug it's pretty frustrating and embarrassing. It affects any player's self-esteem and makes him or her wonder how good of a gamer are they if they lose against a simp...
“I think GoneWild is a great place for people who are looking for a bump in self-esteem, exhibitionists, and people who are just looking for a little something thrilling in their day-to-day lives,” Natural_Red wrote. “It’s a win-win. You get a rise out of posting, and other ...