That question -- "What makes you feel lucky to live in New York City?" -- got hundreds of responses when someone posted it on Reddit. Some put a spotlight on Broadway. Others spoke of the diversity, the convenience, the wide variety of food. One simple response: "Honestly every part...
EDIT 2: Sis pays $2,800/month in rent and $350/month in transportation. I contribute $1,500/month; brother pays $750/month; parents pay $500/month. Our mother was terrified of sis living in NYC on her own and only agreed if she lived in a nicer area and had a car. Same-Day ...
John McPherson, multiple wilderness living guides Bushcraft by Mors Kochanski Botany in a day book Sam Thayer, multiple books on foraging Newcomb wildflower guide Country Woodcraft by Drew Langsner. Green Woodworking by Mike Abbott (Any books by your local Trapper’s Associations) Permaculture, A De...
The thread, titled, “Kim Is Still Living in 2007 With These “Candid Paparazzi” Photos,” was created by user @Savings-Barber4695 on September 25th, just days after the shots went public. Feel The Love This Valentine's Day With Our Editor's Top Picks For Him & Her! SHO...
But the study seemed off to Elisabeth Bik, a scientist turned science detective living in Silicon Valley. Bik has a sharp eye for spotting errors buried in arcane scientific papers, particularly when it comes to duplicated images. And much about Raoult’s paper looked fishy, as she later noted...
Brad Pitt and I were living together and there was a small blonde child in the bed. Sorry Angelina, it was only a dream.As a straight man, I think I've had the same dream.HAHAHAHAHAHAHABig fan and current University of Michigan student here. What is the craziest thing that has ever...
“Proximity to NYC, [and] the airport. I have so many friends who live in other areas and anytime they want to go anywhere, they have to take connecting flights, where EWR you can generally fly nonstop, unless you're going to north or west bumblef**k.” ...
istoliving / zap itayd / zap iteny / zap itildesk / zap itsksaurabh / zap itzujun / zap IzaGz / zap jabgibson / zap jackDev221 / zap JacobJohansen / zap JacobOaks / zap JacoobH / zap jacygao / zap jaijiv / zap james-d-elliott / zap ...
Please get this trending so Ethan can see that people DON'T want Trisha back in the H3 universe ✌ 11503 announcements 1 An update on the recent issues surrounding a Reddit employee 17318 AmateurRoomPorn 1 Very happy how my living room has turned out! What do you guys think? 18854 ...
hmmm... takes some getting used to living out in the woods!Hey Joel, long time fan, What do you recommend for finding great music now? Are you nervous about your upcoming set at Guv? Do you still feel you are connected heavily to the dance scene in toronto, and the up and coming ...