近期Reddit上有玩家发现,一款名为《The Last Hope - Dead Zone Survival》的游戏现已在Switch平台推出,售价为69港币。 可以看出,这款游戏名为《The Last Hope》,很明显是碰瓷《最后生还者 The Last Of Us》,封面从字体到角色设计,几乎直接照搬了《最后生还者》,游戏主题也是对抗感染者。
Not that Nets should feel bad, just kinda sucks for the rest of us lol 我很想说服自己这只是一支普通的超级球队,但现在看起来一枚轻松的戒指在等着他们。不是说篮网应该感到羞愧,而是我们剩下的球队太惨了。湿乎乎的话题 发布于上海阅读1063932这些回复亮了 好日子还在后头2021-03-28 乔丹665:冷知识:14...
【恐怖怪谈】我在一个加油站工作,这里隐藏着一个秘密 兔子侦探所 【恐怖怪谈】我在迪士尼当保安,那里的雕像不太对劲 兔子侦探所 29.1万1444 【恐怖怪谈】我不小心买下了一头“怪牛”丨地铁里吞噬人类的阴霾 兔子侦探所 28.4万672 45:36 【恐怖怪谈】我在一家秘密的政府部门工作,我们遭遇到了一种认知污染 ...
Since its launch earlier this summer,The Last of Us Part II'screators and cast have been subject to untold levels of harassment and ridicule. Strangely, nearly six months after release, the torrent of hate has yet to reach a standstill. Naughty Dog recently had cause to celebrate its opus,...
plant is closing. It is very promising in terms of the cost and safety advances. If things go well a lot of these reactors will help solve climate change. Eventually we want reactors globally but the first ones will be in the US even though competing with natural gas electricity is hard ...
And C9 vs DFM showed us what wildcard vs wildcard should look like C9打DFM就是外卡打外卡应该有的样子。Now THIS is the level of dominance i expected from a team in the main regions.这种水平的统治力才是我所期待的来自大赛区战队的统治力。That was a massacre by EDG EDG带来了一场屠杀。That...
Lmao feels like all of IG are limit testers, jackeylove still had that blood 感觉iG的人都喜欢玩极限,Jackeylove仍然有着这种血统 [-]Devilcaptcha MASSIVE top diff whole series.369 rolling 9 only today 上单差距过大,369今天全是999 [-]Adurous-7 and bot diff, jng and mid was close 还有下路...
Update, June 2023. My how the mighty have fallen. I’m not even wasting my time outlining all of the ways Reddit has let its users down. I’ve begun to suspect it’s intentional, as the last bastion of progressive discourse online. Regardless, and for many, many other reasons, after ...
Last seen Dec 30, 2024 Messages 0 Reaction score 0 Points 0 About Birthday Jan 6, 1999 (Age: 26) MEMBERS About us WELCOME TO PLATINMODS.COM! We are proud to present you the place which let's dreams come true! Focusing on quality and trust we have spend much time to build a gaming...
Man City are toying with them right now. Last time I saw a defence and midfield this confused was Germany Brazil 7-1 现在的曼城完全是在玩弄皇马。上次我见到如此魂不守舍的中后场还是德国战车7-1血洗巴西 [–]hamzaiswack 96 points You didnt watch bayern barca?