Reddit is going to sunset its current coins and awards systems, meaning you won’t be able to buy Reddit Gold for posts you like. However, it is working on a new system for awards.
Redditis killing Reddit Gold, along with its entire coins and awards system, so you might have to start looking within yourself for validation. As spotted by The Verge, Reddit has announced it's overhauling how it rewards contributors, and ending its current system in the meantime. Previously,...
Apollo's latest update also adds iPadOS 13.4 cursor support, and plays nice with the new Reddit awards system and Reddit Polls. Elsewhere, there are five new app icons to check out, bug fixes, improvements to viewing comments, and more. Apollo is available foriPhoneandiPadon theApp Store[Di...
Reddit switched its default icon to a pixelated version of its logo, and if you want to switch to one that uses a more standard version of its usual logo, you’ll need to subscribe to Reddit Premium.
Its aim: the overthrow of the oldest, most rigid class/caste system in existence, the class system based on sex – a system consolidated over thousands of years, lending the archetypal male and female roles an undeserved legitimacy and seeming permanence." –Shulamith Firestone, The Dialectic ...
Reddit is claiming to be the first point of contact to the World Wide Web by calling themselves its “homepage.” When talking about the US market, these claims are quite believable – after all, the number of subreddits grew from almost 11,000 (2008) to about 1.64 million (September ...
Even though many Redditors consider Karma on Reddit to be “fake internet points,” users who are aware of its value still put in the effort to accumulate thousands. By proceeding through Reddit in the manner outlined above, you will quickly accumulate Karma points. ...
This simple system (along with a few behind-the-scenes algorithms) decides what becomes popular on Reddit. If a post receives enough points on its own subreddit, it might make it to the front page of Reddit for everyone to see.
Research has shown that the Earth trails an asteroid barely a kilometre across in its orbit about the Sun – only the second such body to have ever been spotted. It goes round the Sun on average two months ahead of the Earth, dancing around in front like an excited herald of our coming...
/PRNewswire/ -- Integral Ad Science (Nasdaq: IAS), a leading global media measurement and optimization platform, today announced a partnership with Reddit...