All they do is wa... 2025-01-24 17:31:12 赞 回复 来自:豆瓣小组 【短篇】海边小镇 作者:布莱恩埃文森翻译:傅婧瑛过去几年,霍威尔压根儿没考虑过出... 2025-01-21 07:25:26 赞 回复 来自:豆瓣小组 我每天晚上都去看望我死去的母亲 我每天晚上都去看望我死去的母亲原文:I visit my dead ...
The Bucks really choked a 17 point lead to the Big 1.5 火箭球迷:雄鹿领先篮网1.5巨头17分的优势都搞砸了。 [–]HawksTeh_cliff 140 指標 7小時前 .5 is generous to Harden. More like the Big 1.04347826086 老鹰球迷:0.5巨头的评价对于这场比赛的哈登来说太高了,篮网应该是1.04347826086巨头。 [–]Sup...
submitted 5 cycles ago bysmarterthanuto/r/TodayIGrokked 776 contributors absorb 33 2399 More and more species offspring living as openly Takei submitted 3 cycles ago byCaptainSuluto/r/speciesrights 232 contributors absorb 34 1234 XenonianCorp Is Your Friend. We Do Not Find You Delicious. ...
Reveddit is a useful tool that enables you to view deleted Reddit posts and comments effortlessly. With Reveddit, you can access content that has been removed or deleted on Reddit by simply replacing the "reddit" in the original URL with "reveddit." This clever trick allows you to see the...
that I come in peace and my objective is humor but not the type that makes targets or victims of anyone. And they told me to give a less “triggered response”. Which tells me the wheel is spinning inside their head but the hamster is dead. If you can’t stand ignorance avoid this....
But also AD and Schroeder were out and Kawhi/PG literally just got back to playing (and PG is on a minutes restriction). All that being said, the Nets are obviously very good. It'll be interesting to see how they fill out their roster and if they can stay healthy. Also if Jordan ...
Then again, if the requirement for him is to die to reload then maybe this gets developed as a huge plot point with him not wanting to experience the terrifying feel of death every time. 3 我的意思是到目前为止他只能回到最开始的地方,每次死亡后他都只能从1级开始,这是真真正正的重新开 ...
is not captured by Niilfgard in the books.* Instead, she is blinded following Sodden after taking a fireball to the face from Fringilla. She then spends lots of time in recovery, then--on Dijkstra's orders--tails and saves Dandelion from Rience.* No one ever thinks she's dead in ...
Well, the game is officially dead on South and Central America then. Because its been months since i've been able to find FPP solo, all i could do was to play on EU with 250ping, since NA is ping blocked (i have 150 ping on NA).这个游戏在中南美洲正式宣布凉凉。因为我已经好几个月...
KZ在面对IG时的打架也是非常精彩了。Deft is highschool bully and he came to beat these IG nerds the fu*k up.Deft就像高中那些恶霸来欺负书呆子一样来收拾IG咯!Let the world remember this day.On July 7th, 2019 Naeyhun laned against Rookie and defeated the defending word champion, Invictus ...