Tiktok和Reddit上有不少iPhone 14 Pro和iPhone 14 Pro Max的用户在使用第三方应用(例如:TikTok,Instagram和Snapchat)时,相机会出现奇怪的抖动…[允悲] 初步分析是第三方应用的问题,而不是硬件问题。 http...
IT之家 9 月 26 日消息,据 MacRumors 报道,使用美国 Verizon 网络的部分 iPhone 14 Pro 用户反馈了一些问题,称遇到 5G 蜂窝网络连接速度慢、不稳定,以及通话随机掉线的问题。 Reddit 和 MacRumors 论坛上的几个帖子记录了使用最新款 iPhone 的 Verizon 用户所面临的问题。据用户反馈,iPhone 14 Pro 上的信号强...
苹果iPhone 15 / Pro 系列机型固然改用 USB-C 端口,但并不意味着可以随便拿根数据线就能充电,可能会带来不好的结果。 网友NoisilyMarvellous 在 Reddit 社区发帖,分享了一张图片,展示一台 iPhone 15 Pro Max 手机 USB-C 端口烧熔情况。 他使用的是购买自亚马逊的旅行适配器和较长 USB-C 电缆,在给 iPhone 15...
Apollo Reddit app for iOS has added an interesting new feature called Pixel Pals which works with iPhone 14 Pro Dynamic Island. This is a fun little feature that puts a little animal on top of the Dynamic Island that moves around while you use the app. Put creatures in the Dynamic Island...
Reddit、苹果公司网站和雪佛兰论坛上的众多 iPhone 15 用户表示,他们无法再在雪佛兰、凯迪拉克和别克汽车内为手机正常充电。通用汽车卡车论坛上的一位用户说,他们的 iPhone 15 Pro Max 在 2022 雪佛兰 Silverado 2500 High Country 上"完美无瑕"地工作,直到他们将设备更新到 iOS 17.1。更新后,他们的手机只能充电大约"...
iPhone 14 Pro曝大Bug 据Macrumors报道,在社交媒体上,一些iPhone 14 Pro和iPhone 14 ProMax用户报告说,当设备打开时,水平线在iPhone显示屏上闪烁,没有明确的原因或如何修复它。 p>MacRumors论坛用户Infernoqt和Reddit用户u/1LastOutlaw 在Reddit上的一个帖子中,数十名iPhone 14 Pro用户报告说,一条或多条绿线和...
Some other subreddits did the same thing but slightly differently. On r/iPhone, a similar pollrequestedthe option for "the Dashing Tim Cook Extravaganza," resulting in a large number of photos and images featuring the Apple CEO. Reddit CEOSteve Huffmanhaspreviously insistedthe protes...
The Vision Pro weighs between 21.2 and 22.9 ounces; that's a lot of weight to wear on your face. For reference, a 12.9-inch iPad Pro weighs 24 ounces, three iPhone 15 Pro Maxes stacked on top of each other weigh 23.4 ounces, and a bunch of five 7-inch bananas weighs 17.3 ounce...
IMO Valve should introduce new maps into the pool and give people enough time to get used to them, because I don't think operations last long enough. Cobblestone is becoming a problem as all of the other active duty maps are loved by pro's whereas almost all of them said to remove ...
programming 10 More than a Million Pro-Repeal Net Neutrality Comments were Likely Faked 31323 PS4 10 Xbox is now going to allow customers to self-refund any game purchased within 14 days with under 2 hours of playtime. Please, let's put the pressure on Sony to implement something like thi...