I’m caked in snow but stayed warm throughout. I try to take my helmet off but the snow caked onto the back of my head so much that my hair had ice in it that made them stuck together and she needed to melt the ice with her hand to get it off. I have her check me for ...
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While not logged in, Reddit mobile site tracks outbound navigation using out.reddit.com. The behaviour still exists after testing with Firefox 116.0b3 and default uBlock Origin. Other extensions used None. Screenshot(s) Screenshot(s) Configuration uBlock Origin 1.50.0: since: 27d.9h.6m Firef...
In terms of YMYL queries, the only relevant search term that generated Reddit results was for ‘tax advisor’, with Reddit appearing just 5% of the time. While we don’t know how much Googlemighthave scaled back on these types of results appearing in SERPs since Lily Ray reached out to ...
Two more tech companies are about to face questions from Congress. Tumblr was also used to spread Russian propaganda.Credit: tumblr Facebook, Twitter, and Google aren't the only companies to face questions from lawmakers about the role their platforms played in spreading disinformation during the ...
但是在第二天在奥克兰机场附近的In-n-Out快餐店,他又被砸车抢劫!而且这回他就在车上!当时三个戴滑雪面罩的人开着一辆黑色车冲过来,砸破了窗户,手里拿着巨大的金属棒,抢走了他背包里的重要物品,比如银行卡、身份证和电脑。 而且匪徒还不断的威胁他,情况比第一次严重多了。匪徒还从另一名女性手中抢走了一...
afktimeout if (now - self.start_time).total_seconds() < culling_cutoff: continue # Nothing to do yet, bot hasnt been up long enough to cull this voice channel if (guildinfo.id not in self.last_played_audio) or ((now - self.last_played_audio[guildinfo.id]).total_seconds() > ...
Wikipedia, Reddit Plan Blackout in SOPA ProtestNEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A handful of large websites will go darkon Wednesday to protest an...Pepitone, Julianne
Early in 2023, Reddit announced that it would begin charging for access to its API, and that price may kill off Apollo, the best client app out there. Christian Selig, a former Apple employee, builtApolloyears ago and it has become one of the most popular third-party Reddit apps on the...
Reddit is now slowly rolling out real-time chat rooms across a limited number of subreddits. Currently in beta, Reddit Chat went live in the summer of 2017 for a small group of around 7,000 Reddit users. Now Reddit is expanding this service, keeping user