e. “TIL如何…”的帖子属于r/HowTo。 你看,板块是有具体的要求的,所以不能无脑发帖或者回复。这个问题的具体解决方案我在课程里提过,在这里就不赘述了。 问题二:说好的不批量,你批量了么? Reddit是一个大社区,但是每个Subreddit是小社区。 很多小伙伴在其他社区为账号积累了Karma值,因为这些社区友好性高,你是...
How to Get Karma on Reddit Although many Redditors and people alike also call karma “fake internet points,” it has a lot of meaning for users … Read more Which Reddit App Is Best Indulging into various topics that draw our attention has never been easier. But to navigate through Reddit...
评论快速获得Karma值 平时我们自己评论别人的帖子,不容易Get到老外的点。我们就多一步,看类似换马甲,...
And please don't dive into using memes and GIFs until you understand what they mean and how users will react. Most of all, don't take yourself (or your brand) too seriously on Reddit. Related reading: How to get karma on Reddit Find and validate business ideas on Reddit YouTube ...
Reddit Karma and Trophies: What Are They and How Do You Get Them? Web Rack up those points and fill up your trophy cabinet ByDemilade Adejola Nov 10, 2024 Reddit's Search Is Not Good, but These Tricks Will Help Web Reddit's search is a mess, so here's some virtual duct tape to...
Karma 系统用于评价用户的信誉和等级,其目的是鼓励用户为 Reddit 创造实际的价值。 Karma 积分高则代表用户的内容质量高,账号权重高,更能获得平台、博主和用户的青睐,更有利于开张营销活动。 获取Karma 的主要方法就是积极参与帖子讨论和发帖,让你的帖子 / 评论获赞更多,如果你发布的帖子太垃圾,反对票(Downvote)太多...
How to Use Text Formatting on Reddit Using Markdown Mode How to Format Text on Reddit: Basic Text Formatting in Markdown Mode We'll show you how to add emphasis to your text, add a strikethrough, superscript, line breaks, headers, and 9 Fastest Ways to Get Karma on Reddit What Is Karm...
5. Work on your karma Karma is your reputation on Reddit, and it’s important if you want to establish credibility. Occasionally check your karma on your profile, and spend time thoughtfully responding to comments and sharing helpful content to boost it. ...
To start, go to your Mod Tools, which are on the right of your screen on desktop and mobile. This is where you control all the minutiae of your subreddit, like minimum karma to post and community rules. Take some time to explore the options available to you. Still, setting up your ...
Karma:在Reddit上所得的积分,表示你发的链接或评论在社区的价值量,也代表着你在Reddit的等级; Reddit Gold:Reddit高级版,增加了许多功能和帮助; OP (Original poster):第一个发表帖子的人; TL;DR(Too Long; Didn’t Read):一般用于一些长篇大论中; ...