In a second attempt to be one of the first inductees of the startup incubator Y Combinator, University of Virginia roommates Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian built Reddit, which they labelled “the front page of the internet”. The site functionality remains much the same as it was back in...
that doesn’t mean it’s easy to find out what new fetishes are popping up. That’s where NSFW411 comes in. This subreddit contains no actual porn itself. Instead, it is full of requests for people looking for subreddits that specialize in fetish...
She started crying that she really needed this, and what would she do now since her husband won’t be home and it’s too late to find someone willing to watch five kids for 14 hours (with no pay), and then once the tears weren’t working, she just got angry. She said it was ru...
Marketers use Reddit to share their opinions andpromote their productsby creating interesting content that Reddit’s users find valuable. Best practices for marketers are to engage in subreddit discussions, create relevant content, be an active member in the community, and answer members’ questions ...
We were simply roommates with our own separate bedrooms and a connecting kitchen/living space. I have only known her since last December when we originally signed our leases. We have hung out, but the only real connection we had is that she likes anime/Japan and I am Asian. The ...
r/amiugly 如果你对自己的长相没有自信,可以在上面问问是不是自己真的丑……r/badroommates吐槽奇葩...
market for my first bike for two years now in an attempt to find a good deal (which is just ridiculous) so I honestly don't care. I'm using my roommates tiny mountain bike from 20 years ago so I'm not going to get caught up in whether I'd like a road bike or cyclocross ...
Founded in 2005 by college roommates Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian, the website was brainstormed to act as “the front page of the Internet.” Comprised of mostlyuser-generated content, users focus on high levels of engagement via commenting, sharing, and voting on content. ...
And the original pitch was actually kind of funny in that we didn’t even offer anything back. We were just like, “If you all go through with this, we will find products to build you.” And so, we got a fantastic first pass of, uh, of donations, to the point where we opened ...
In 2005, Reddit was founded by Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian: two college roommates who wanted to create a place to exchange links.It wasn’t a “bastion of free speech,”or anything even resembling a community. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the company’s new leaders, who are...