He doesn’t pretend to be better than he is or more virtuous. People like this trait becau ... 已注销 -戴蒙不会假装比真实的自己更好,也不会装着品德高尚。 人们喜欢这一点,因为即使你可能不喜欢他的其他特质,也不会觉得你被他欺骗了,可以和他表面上打打交道。 当他骗人的时候我会讨厌他(假装...
Bagpipe's spear used to be able to shoot projectiles. She's also number one together with Grani in "Rhodes Island's Most Likeable Ranking" for operators.——why isnt it able to anymore——IIRC, the military doesn't like sharing their toys, so she only got to keep a gimped version.—...
he might be the most likable player of all time. According to Reddit userMasterofMarionettes, "Jason might be the most likeable [house guest] ever. He was just loved by everyone duringBB3."
It makes you (and your brand) likeable, helps build a connection on a personal level, and makes your ads stand out from the rest. As one of the commenters said, Caliber’s ad feels like “a genuine outreach with an authentic message.” And that was the key to creating their successful...
It was this devil-may-care attitude that madeRenly so instantly likeableto anybody not named Stannis. He was charismatic and would make light of even the tensest situations, such as the meeting before a war. While this would prove to be his undoing, it’s clear that Stannis’ ego was br...