Reddit 用户 cmputerguy 发现,Rockstar 母公司 Take-Two 注册了一个名为 gtavicecityonline 的域名。不过但从这个名字很难判断出什么事情,《GTA 5》此前宣布次世代主机版本将会包含一些独占内容,也许就与此相关。 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 ...
gtaonline 5 I was required to upload an image when making a support ticket about my missing scramjet, so I just sent them this. 17879 likeus 5 The one thing everybody’s looking for is unconditional love. 31965 okbuddychicanery 5 New promo images for "BREAKING BAD", the sequel to BCS...
It appears that the GTA Online/MyCareer model is going to be the standard for big Take-Two Games going forward. People have expected a GTA Online type environment for Red Dead Redemption 2, which launches next year, though Rockstar has not announced what its online features will be. “One...
which will "showcase not just gameplay elements, but also VR-specific elements like different movement options." We'll certainly keep our eyes peeled for those, as we're still waiting on answers about more of the game's VR-specific mechanics, particularly the Gravity Gloves and the...
The truck itself isn't as great as before; I can tell she broke the brake fluid line as well, because the brakes are running badly. Good news though, my girlfriend has been charged with a C1F for GTA and fined $5,000. Don't worry though, I will still follow through with the ...
reddit 上美国玩家对中国玩家的指责,「中国人不管干什么都要作弊,连玩游戏也要作弊」?gta5online给...
(Image via Apple Records/EMI) Our other favorite is a reconstruction of Pink Floyd'sThe Dark Side of the Moon: You have to love the use of custom painted cars for the rainbow effect. For images of more albums recreated inGTA Online, including Blondie'sParallel Linesand The Ramones'Ramones...
gtaonline 29 Chad father 38030 holdmycosmo 28 HMC while i try to defend myself 23941 SuddenlyGay 28 Logic 100 24565 harrypotter 28 Warwick Davis and his various roles in Harry Potter 55368 fightporn 27 University of Oklahoma football players pick fight with career wrestlers. “Which one you ...
The worst part is how uncreative and low effort most of them are. At least 80% of them are ‘Can I get a boneless pizza?’ or ‘Is this the Krusty Krab?’ with the occasionalinsert GTAfast-foodorder copypasta here. This had been going on way too long so I took up the habit of...
Golden toilet worth S$8.1M gets stolen from UK palace in 5 minutes, reportedly cut in pieces & unrecoverable 3 hours ago Owner leaves pet dogs in parked car at Changi City Point carpark, netizens express concern 4 hours ago 'Real life GTA': Man in M'sia steals police patrol car out...