of the Lions from his social media and no longer mentions being a member with his last post on it being some cryptic goodbye post where he kinda drones on about what it means to be a man in the modern day and the 'duty of fatherhood' bestowed on all men at birth, really weird shit...
Chris Slowe:I think that at every step along the way for Reddit, we’ve thought,“How could this get any larger?”It’s gotten larger.And getting a chance to watch some of our very early decisions on how communities should be built have proven out to be highly scalable across several ...
Redditers swiftly let the OP know he is absolutely an a—hole for this misogynistic take, with one person writing, “YTA. She wants you there for support, not to witness. You know you don’t need to have your face in her vagina while she’s giving birth right? You could be up by ...
To establish parent child relationships, social media intermediaries will have to rely on very specific identity cards: AADHAAR Cards or Passports or birth certificates, Puhan explained. “Through this, you are defeating all the basic principles and tenets of everything that’s to do with privacy....
Or you might want to study immunocontraception and other techniques of fertility control because they will be absolutely critical if and when any kind of consensus emergence to phase out involuntary suffering in Nature. Or more broadly, it might be worth getting a solid grounding in ecology and ...
AmItheAsshole 8 AITA for bringing up my brother's "premature" birth at Christmas dinner to get my parents to shut up? 28391 Zoomies 8 Off-leash zoomies 32435 pettyrevenge 8 My half sister wanted to show up in a wedding dress to my engagement party, so I changed the party theme so sh...
I then realized the sort of cascading set of dire outcomes and played it off like the infection was nothing while pushing to do whatever I could to get better fast before other bad outcomes happened.A couple months later our dog died and my wife then gave an emergency early birth. His ...
What Is an Emotional Affair? Sweet 'Happy Birthday' Wishes for Your Mama 50 Perfect Birthday Wishes for Your Niece How to Say "I Got Engaged!" w/o Being Annoying
Pm me if you ever want to bounce things off or ask for opinions or feedback. Your toes must look like your teeth and your teeth are fucking disgusting. That opens up the possibility for a life sentence. Are you trying to imply that your starting quarterback getting a concussion halfway ...
“Shake It Off” from the top. Similar to many of Swift’s song lyrics, “Blank Space” blurts out bad relationship details to a hip-hop beat. The song, which hit #1 after three weeks, is the third Swift hit, including “Shake It Off” and “We Are Never Getting Back Together,” ...