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She started crying that she really needed this, and what would she do now since her husband won’t be home and it’s too late to find someone willing to watch five kids for 14 hours (with no pay), and then once the tears weren’t working, she just got angry. She said it was ru...
You make a great point about Gen X having it easy and ignoring all the shitty parts of the Boomer experience. If you’re not a politician, you should be. 你关于X世代生活轻松并忽略婴儿潮一代经历的所有糟糕部分的观点非常正确。如果你不是政治家,你应该去做政治家。评:我想这应该是一种diss,if ...
She started crying that she really needed this, and what would she do now since her husband won’t be home and it’s too late to find someone willing to watch five kids for 14 hours (with no pay), and then once the tears weren’t working, she just got angry. She said it was ru...
DM 是“Direct Message” 的缩写,意思是“私信”或“直接消息”。在社交媒体和聊天平台上,DM 用来指发送私人消息而不是公开评论。 有意思,一直说私信,不知道私信的英文。 Laxmi Chit Fund. Laxmi Chit Fund是一种储蓄和借贷的工具,在印度和一些其他国家很常见。它是一种非银行金融机构,通过吸引投资者(会员)并进...
Those who create AI porn, however, frame the future popularity of models like Claudia not as a hypothetical, but as an inevitability. “AI porn is going to only get more popular,” the computer scientists who made Claudia said in their last DM toRolling Stone.“There will be more accounts...
The best way if you'd like to get in touch is to send us DM with your contact data. kailan-harris:1. What has been the most challenging and the most exciting aspect of making the sequel?2. Will a lot of the locations still be recognisable as Chernobyl still or will everything have...
Only working workaround that I have right now is to extract the.m3u8playlist URL directly from the browser. Inspect Element on the video player, find thedata-hls-urlproperty of thevideo-*div and pass it toyoutube-dlafter stripping HTTP parameters. Reddit does not seem to be filtering reques...
This is a dataset of the all-time top 1,000 posts, from the top 2,500 subreddits by subscribers, pulled from reddit between August 15–20, 2013. - reddit-top-2.5-million/data/learnart.csv at master · umbrae/reddit-top-2.5-million
I'm usually not a fan when it tries to convey a very dark and cryptic plot like DM and some parts of the main story because it just comes across as overly edgy than actually realistic and relatable. Basically AK is a nice read when it doesn't try to take itself too seriously. 这...